[p. 5] Sir, The distinguished honour to be thought worthy the notice of royalty, transcends my most ambitious hopes; and adds, if possible, to my respect and duty. HUMANITY is the characteristick of the Royal House of Brunswick. And as it was my happineess, it still is my boast, that I have been honoured with the favour of your Royal Grandfather and his Illustrious Consort. How then must my heart be elated at being likewise honoured by the patronage of the most distinguished of our gracoius Sovereign's progeny. I AM at a loss to express my sensibility at your Royal Highness's condescension in accepting of this address, after hearing that I was favoured with [p. vi] your noble preceptor's permission to lay my poor work at his feet. But liberal feelings are implanted in your bosom; which shew that you inherit the virtues of your Royal Parents. As words are too poor to express my gratitude for this high honour, I shall beg leave to add, that this distinguished mark of your Royal Highness's goodness has made me the happiest of women; and I shall ever remain, with the profoundest respect, Your ROYAL HIGHNESS'S Most obedient, and ever obliged, humble servant, G.A. BELLAMY. |