Sweet Briar May day, May 1, 2006

Gentle reader, on this page you will find photos from May day at Sweet Briar, afternoon May 1, 2006, a celebration in which my daughter, Isobel, and her roommate, Jennica, participated.

Around 4:15 in the afternoon people began to gather at Pannell where there was an art show: paintings and visual works by the graduating seniors of the college. There was wine, punch, cheese and cookies, and crackers.

During that time more people began to gather on the lawn, and I talked with Jennica:

People mingled:

Jim saw two girls looking out the window:

When we went outside into the beautifully cool and sunny day, we saw Isobel with her friends, the Sweet Tones club, all talking while they waited:

There was the College President, Elisabeth Muhlenfeld, with her dog, and Dean Green:

At around 5 the band began to tune up. The band is a group of faculty members who I was told often turn up in the cafeteria on Thursday afternoons to make music together:

Then the processing began:

The Sweet Tones were singing:

And so the twirling began:

First phase, the girls wide apart:

Second phase, the girls ducking and intertwined with one another the ribbons coming ever low:


And then dinner was served at Protheroe.

Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 7 May 2006