Translations of the songs sung not in English

Amarilli, Mia Bella-Guarini

Amarilli, mia bella,
Non credo del mio cor
Dolce desio
D 'es ser tu l'amor mio?
Credilo pur: e se timor t'assale,
Dubitar non ti vale.
Aprimi il petto e vedrai scritto in core:
Amarilli, Amarilli,
Amarilli e il mio amore.

Amaryllis, my lovely one,
Do you not believe,
O my heart's sweet desire,
That you are my love?
Believe it thus: and if fear assails you,
Doubt not its truth
Open my breast and see written on my heart:
Amaryllis, Amaryllis,
Amaryllis is my beloved.

Verdi Prati-Marchi

Verdi parti, selve amene,
Perderete la belta.
Vaghi fior, correnti rivi,
La vaghezza, la bellezza
Presto in voi si cangera.
E cangiato il vago oggetto
All' orror delprimo aspetto
Tutto in voi ritornera.

Green meadows, lovely woods,
You will lose your beauty,
Pretty flowers, rapid brooks,
Your charm and beauty
Will soon change.
The beautiful object has changed,
To the dismay of the first glance,
Then everything will return in you.

Deh Vieni, Non Tardar-da Ponte

Giunse alfin il momenta
Che godro senza affanno
In braccio all 'idol mio!
Timide cure! Uscite dal mio petto!
A turbar non venite il mio diletto!
Oh come par, che all'amoroso foco
L'amentia del loco,
La terra e il del risponda!
Come la notte i furti miei seconda! ...
Deh vieni, non tardar, o gioia bella,
Viene ove amore per goder t'appella,
Finche non splende in ciel notturna face,
Finche l'aria e ancor bruna, e il mondo tace.
Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l'aura,
Che col dolce susorro il cor ristaura,
Qui ridono i fioretti e l'erba e fresca
Aipiaceri d'amor qui tutto adesca.
Vieni, ben mio! tra questepiante ascose!
Vieni! ti vo' la fronte incoronar di rose!

At last the moment has come
Which I shall enjoy without qualms,
In the arms of my beloved!
Timorous cares, depart from my breast!
Do not come to disturb my joy!
Oh, it appears with the amorous flame,
The charm of this spot,
The earth and the sky are in harmony!
How the night assists my escapade!

Then come, do not delay, O my beloved,
Come, where love calls you for its delight,
So long as in the sky the moon is glowing,
So long as the night is still dark and the world asleep.
Here murmurs the brook, here play the breezes,
Which with their sweet whispering refresh the heart,
Here sparkle little flowers and the grass is cool.

Wanderers Nachtlied-von Goethe

Uber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spurest du kaum einen Hauch;
Die Voglein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur,
Balde ruhest du auch.

Over all the peaks there is peace,
In all the tree tops
You feel scarcely a breath of air;
The little birds in the forest are silent,
Soon you too will be at rest.

Lachen und Weinen-Ruckert

Lachen und Weinen zu jeglicher Stunde
Ruht bie der Lieb auf so macherlei Grunde.
Morgen lacht'ich vor Lust,
Und warum ich nun weine
Bei des Abendes Scheine,
Ist mir selb 'nicht bewuftt.
Weinen und Lachen zu jeglicher Stunde
Ruht bie der Lieb auf so macherlei Grunde.
Abends weint'ich vor Schmerz;
Und warum du er wachen kannst
Am Morgen mit Lachen
muflich dich fragen, o Herz.

Laughter and tears, at whatever hour,
Arise, in love, from so many causes.
In the morning I laughed for joy,
And why, in the glow of the evening,
I am now weeping,
I my self do not know.
Tears and laughter, at whatever hour,
Arise, in love, from so many causes
In the evening I wept with grief,
And how you can awake
In the morning laughing,
I must ask you, my heart.

Oh weh des Scheidens-Ruckert

O weh des Scheidens, das er tat,
Da er mich lief im Sehnen!
O weh des Bittens wie er bat,
Des Weinens seiner Tranen!
Er sprach zu mir: "Dein Trauern laft!"
Und schied dock selbst in Schmerzen,
Von semen Tranen ward ich naft
Daft kuhl mir's ward im Herzen.

Oh the sorrowful parting that he took,
When he left me in longing!
Oh the sorrowful parting as he asked,
His tears and weeping!
He said to me, "Give up your grief!"
Yet he himself withdrew in sorrow
I was dampened by his tears,
So that it chilled me to the heart.

Apres un Reve-Bussine

Dans un sommeil que charmait ton image
Je revais le bonheur, ardent mirage;
Tes yeux etait plus doux, ta voix pure et sonore.
Tu rayonnais comme un del eclaire par I 'aurore;
Tu m 'appelais, et je quittais la terre
Pour m 'enfuir avec toi vers la lumiere;
Les deux pour nous entr'ouvraientleur nues,
Splendeurs inconnues, lueurs divines entruvues...
Helas! Helas, triste reveil des songes!
Je t 'appelle, 6 nuit, rends-moi tes mensonges;
Reviens, reviens radieuse,
Reviens, 6 nuit mysterieuse

In a slumber charmed by your image
I dreamed of happiness, ardent mirage;
Your eyes were more tender, your voice pure and clear.
You were radiant like a sky brightened by sunrise;
You were calling me, and I left the earth
To flee with you towards the light;
The skies opened their clouds for us,
Splendors unknown, glimpses of divine light...
Alas! Alas, sad awakening from dreams!
I call to you, oh night, give me back your illusions;
Return, return with your radiance,
Return, oh mysterious night!

Le Secret-Silvestre

Je veux que le matin l'ignore
Le nom que j 'ai dit a la nuit,
Et qu'au vent de l'aube, sans bruit,
Comme une larme il s 'evapore.
Je veux que le jour le proclame,
L'amour qu 'au matin j 'ai cache,
Et sur mon coeur ouvert penche,
Comme un grain d'encens, il l 'enflamme.
Je veux que le couchant l 'oublie
Le secret que j'ai dit aujour,
Et I 'emporte avec mon amour,
Aux plis de sa robe palie!

I wish the morning not to know
The name I told the night,
And that in the wind of dawn, silently,
It should evanesce like a tear.
I wish the day would proclaim,
The love I hid in the morn,
And bent over my open heart,
Should inflame it like a grain of incense.
I wish the sunset to forget
The secret I told to the day,
And carry it away with my love,
In the folds of its pale garment!

La derniere feuille-Gautier

Dans la foret chauve et rouillee
Il ne reste plus au rameau
Qu'une pauvre feuille oubliee,
Rien qu'une feuille et qu'un oiseau.
Il ne reste plus en mon ame
Qu 'un suel amour pour y chanter;
Mais le vent d'automne, que brame,
Ne permet pas de l'ecouter.
L 'oiseau s 'en va, la feuille tombe,
L'amour s 'eteint, car c 'est l'hiver.
Petit oiseau, viens sur ma tombe
Chanter quand l'arbre sera vert.

In the bleak and blighted forest
Nothing is left on the branches
But a poor forgotten leaf,
Nothing but a leaf and a bird.
Nothing is left in my soul
Except a lone love which sings there;
But the autumn wind that howls
Does not allow it to be heard.
The bird flies away, the leaf falls,
Love is waning, for winter is here.
Little bird, come to my tomb
To sing when the tree is green again.

Si Mes Vers Avais Des Ailes-Hugo

Mes vers fuiraient
Doux et freles,
Vers votre jardin si beau,
Si mes vers avais des ailes,
Comme l'oiseau!
Ils voleraient, etincelles
Vers vorte foyer qui rit,
Si mes vers avais des ailes,
Comme l'esprit!
Pres de vous, purs et fideles,
Ils accourraient, nuit et jour,
Si mes vers avais des ailes,
Comme l'amour!

My verses would flee,
Sweet and frail,
To your garden so beautiful,
If my verses had wings
Like the bird!
They would flying, glittering,
To your cheery fireside,
If my verses had wings
Like the wind!
To you, pure and faithful,
They would hasten night and day,
If my verses had wings
Like love!

Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 9 May 2006