We are two part-time academics. Ellen teaches in the English department and Jim in the IT program at George Mason University.
Dear Marianne,
I thought I’d mention I came down with the worst case of hives I’ve had in 20 years on Friday. Partly the condition may have been brought on by stress over giving a paper, and that paper very frank about the woman writer. I have a hard time leading up to socializing, even with a group of people so cordial and respectful of one another as the EC branch of ASECS. I am not sure, and I felt no stress while giving the paper, and people liked it. Four people beyond Edward were there, and two friends tried to make it. They came just as I finished. When I arrived and began to socialize, as usual I felt foolish for having worried about how people would treat me. I was treated as a friend, one of them. But I was stressed going there and the hives came out about 2 hours after I gave my paper, and kept getting worse.
Partly the condition may have arisen as the result of some stress I had online: what happened forced me to face how deleterious it can be for many (perhaps most) relationships for people to communicate any truths or depend on each other. Over the past three years I’ve revised totally my idea of what most people mean by friendship even with those they consider themselves intimate with: in most cases it seems to be a way of passing time with someone you keep at a distance, partly for networking and pragmatic uses, partly entertainment, mild company. (With such a definition I could more than triple my estimate of how many friends I’ve had in my life; I counted something like near 20 when Jennica asked me how many friends I’d have in my life.) I keep experiencing shock nonetheless. I was shocked this past week, actually shaking when I went to bed one night and then when I got up I had to ask Edward to help me bring closure to the incident. He gave me words to write.
However, the third and definite real cause has been my experience of teaching this term. On the Thursday night before I left I had difficulties with recalcitrant, disrespectful students who openly do not want to do the work and will not behave courteously face-to-face.
So this letter to you is about what passes for college life in a large state-supported university which has become a vocational school for people working in jobs while they go to school, who do not live on campus, and have no understanding of what college life is supposed ideally to be like. This from the standpoint of a humanities adjunct lecturer.
It’s come to the point for English teachers that students literally grow indignant at having to read a number of solid sound books. They grow sullen at any book over 200 pages. I know I have colleagues who assign at most 3 to 4 books a term, all shortish, easy reading (little hard information). The students are assigned 1 to 2 papers for the course. These are not directed or controlled and many students apparently will hand in forms of gossip when it comes to a literary paper. They are given work which they can accomplish once or twice a week in twenty minutes before going to bed or at some convenient moment in the day. I’ve seen assignments given by colleagues that would be easy for junior high level students.
This term in the opening session I did not come across as hard as I usually do, and discover many students took my cordiality as a sign I didn’t mean to assign the work I had on the syllabus. It was a case of pretense. So I have in one section a bunch of male jocks at the back of the room (who leave half-way through when they do come); in that class someone stole one of my books; I have a young woman who is incensed because she is doing badly: she keeps saying she works full-time and has no time for this. So why did she take the course? because she wants to have gone to college, not to go for real. She is unwilling to take fewer courses or work less hours. I have a black young woman who sits all the way in the last room at the back of the room, and have discovered she takes all I say as probably untrue and absurd; she appears to have this response to all her teachers, a dry scepticism and startling alienation which she doesn’t hide from me, and is probably partly a result of her racial cultural background and experience. Last night hardly anyone in the class would stay for the movie, so I dismissed the group at 8:45 pm.
In the other two classes I have similar problems. Students visit me with the aim of somehow pressuring me to give them higher grades on tests they took late; one girl had the nerve last night to ask me not to demand she give a talk; this is the same girl who one week before the midterm announced in class she had not bought any of the books and looked indignant publicly at the demand she read 8 books over the course of a term. In the 4:30 class I have a young man who is openly sarcastic: I counter him with blunt frankness, but he is not bothered, and last week when he gave his talk he was mocking and openly gave a bad one, saying he had just started to do it about 2 hours before the class started. I asked him to sit down when he’d done. I have a black young man who persists in keeping his cell phone on and when he gets a call (hideous rap music and lyrics filled with hate begin to be heard) will ostentatiously saunter out to take his call in the hall, and then actually come back into the room and sit down again. In the 7:20 class there is a young woman who is continually on the edge of a seething open fit at the work she has been asked to do.
They loathe buying books. They resent it. They will spend oodles of money on CDs, cars, clothes, and make it plain that college is a low priority when it comes to what they shall spend their time doing. They may not go to decent films (they seem unaware of any good movie playing most of the time), but they certainly watch the idiotic TV. Ten years ago there were no cell phones; now they seem all to have the latest model and spend a lot of time on their phones. The bill for a cell phone is high. They don’t mind spending money to groom and be groomed by others.
I have increasingly been badgered by students to give them an incomplete when they have not handed in any work at all, or at most one piece. I have yielded to this partly because many produce the same story: they have been in a car accident, are getting a divorce (wife left last night), have spent time in a hospital, are having a nervous breakdown ("deeply depressed"), some crisis no humane person would ignore. (The lie about having to hold dying grandparents’ hands in hospital and then having to go to the funeral is used mostly for avoiding midterms and not getting papers in on time.) They are like house contractors who feel the story for today gets them by today, no matter how egregiously they are shown to have lied the next day. The student may dream he or she may do the work next month or some time in the vague future. I remember how my father’s friend, Sherman P (my lawyer too for my first divorce) used to say prisons are filled with people who have done no crime, much less the one they are accused of.
I realize in each class I have a few good students who are really appreciating what we are doing and enjoying the course. They tell me so. When I leave the room, I will often discover I have a student by my side who is walking me somewhere and wanting to talk about the work or his or her life. Over the course of the term quite a number have done excellent talks (said better things than I have prepared for the books, more individual and earnest). The grades of some (most even) are high (well I give too high grades), and I actually enjoyed reading some of their papers last time and probably will again.
But there are enough rotten and lying students, enough who do not want to be or go to college for any learning, but there for a certificate which they imagine will give them a job afterwards. (I’ll write about that aspect of the fraud another time.) They want to work full-time so they can have cars and go out with friends or keep up payments or simply because it’s the done thing. It is the done thing to go to work full-time and expect to "do" college in your offhours.
Just about all the literature courses I used to teach have been abolished on the general education level. What I am trained to do is not wanted even on the graduate student level by most students. Very few major in literature, and of those who do there is no requirement that they actually have a broad knowledge of English literature starting at Anglo-Saxon and moving across the centuries. The entry level course for a major is a "theory" one where they are asked to read critics and a very few works. The professor can assign short and favorite ones, and I’ve seen that done—in one term I was assigning more reading and work to a student than she had in her "grounding" major course. Many are there for degrees in Composition, Education, and Creative Writing. As far as I can tell the one disciplined writing major, Journalism (in the way it used to be taught) does not exist.
The official attitude of the tenured people towards adjuncts has become worse too. Observations are conducted in an adversarial way. The adjunct cannot ask someone to come observe him or her; the person is appointed by the committee so you can have no say in who will observe you. A rigamorale of documents is asked for in the folder: rather like a chickenshit drill in the military. what’s happening is enough people inside the department are glad to reflect the ugly suspicious and nickel-and-dimed or bait-and-switch attitude of workplaces outside colleges. All I’m told by my older daughter and friends confirms that for jobs where the people are working as physical laborers (working class), they are regularly treated disrespectfully, sometimes berated; for middle class white collar type jobs, people are brought together in groups to be treated in non-cordial unfriendly ways which puts the onus of working the person as much as the employer dares with as little compensation or security as he or she can get away with. Several people have told me about someone who was unceremoniously fired on a Friday and told to get out of the building in 20 minutes and someone is assigned to guard them lest they hurt a computer or some software the company is using.
In the lecturers’ office for the last three years, the atmosphere among people has become what you might expect of a stranger you see on a train and ride next to for 20 minutes. A few years ago people were helpful to one another, and occasionally friends. I have a few friends (using my revised definition of what is a friend) left over from then, the people who have stayed on because they have analogous reasons to mine which keeps them working at this place. The full-time adjunct by-the-way has to teach 4 sections, often all composition, apparently has to accept 3 day weeks, go to committees, and they have but one year contracts and many make $28,000 (with some health insurance they pay for out of their salary and a small pension if they can last).
What pleasure or self-respect can one have in this atmosphere? The few good and hard-working students who have a genuine desire to learn have to hide it from the others. I carry on scholarship at home for fulfillment and am in contact with some decent intelligent people on lists for friendship and support.
At this point I’d like to quit but cannot afford to. I need to teach at this rate (3/3/2) for 3 more years. Then I would not want to quit altogether as I need the library and online access to carry on scholarship. It would simply have been impossible for me or very difficult to have done the work I have over the past 15 years without interlibrary loan, xeroxes of articles sent to me by mail, access to the Folger, and recently online databases filled with good information and texts. I know too I would feel worse about myself if I were not affiliated with an institution and might find it impossible to go to conferences as an "independent" scholar. I also can enjoy teaching and think to myself if I can last I will in 3 years go down to one section of one course, on the first day show that I mean really to do this work with the students who stay, and hope to chase away all but the good students—which is what happened this past summer and used regularly to happen in unpredictable patterns. In some classes students still do stay despite the opening session where I show my syllabus and what would be expected (I had enough good and well-meaning students to keep a larger class in these instances).
All this is what really has given me hives. When Edward got up this morning, I was in an excited state because I had a disdainful nagging email from a student asking why I was not willing to extend his incomplete. The only work he did for the class was one mid-term which I allowed him to do at home (I should not have), but I felt helpless against his stories of recent surgery and deep depression. Edward helped me find words that fairly described what had happened: "The purpose of an incomplete is to allow time for a student to submit the work that you had not done. You have submitted none of it. You have had three months to submit it, and you have not done so."
I know I have a student who genuinely did not finish and when he didn’t hand in the work due by the date he had to he wrote a gracious letter saying he was sorry he’d let me and himself down and hoped to retake my course. I have an email in my box right now from a pregnant student who is intensely anxious I will not let her do all the work outside class when she has to give birth two days before term ends and then is determined to breastfeed this infant (according to her that means she is on call every two hours—is she mad, or what?). She is a very good student; really wants to learn and a joy to help. What drives her frantic is previous experience with teachers where they have not flexed, and have treated her as badly as some of my students this term have attempted to and treated me. This kind of student is not confrontational and is rarer than ever.
In large state-supported universities teaching humanities on the general education level is to be in a hell of hypocrisy and fraud. Only those setting up courses which amount to what Feynman would call cargo cult learning aren’t bothered. I don’t know how to fill class hours or teach students without content and honest work assigned. When I try to dumb down and offer movies as a substitute, many will only stay if I were to give a quiz afterwards.
How perverse and anti-learning or intellectual pleasure are many many people. I remember one tenured colleague on a committee I was on some years ago who reacted to students by giving them quizzes 10 minutes before a three-hour class ended; who refused to read any emails from them; and who played as rough as these people who want to pretend they are going to college whom I have described. She made school hateful and I suppose would not be bothered by stupidity & utter alienation in her classroom. She’d expect it. She was a re-inforcer of the class system, and seemed openly amused by me, looked at me as a dupe or simpleton for having been kind to someone we were interviewing for an adjunct position during the interview. No wonder she’s an adjunct this person must’ve thought.
I am glad I do not resemble this colleague. Imagine what her mind is like, her experience of the world. Fielding said Blifil’s punishment was to be Blifil. When the day comes that I realize I am finally not rehired, I will try to remember and reread this letter and sigh with relief, and then attempt to live without spending money as I once did. I do have enough in my house to keep me happily occupied until I die as long as I have Edward by my side.
Posted by: Ellen
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