The last of the series of ten taken from Steele's 1714 Poetical Miscellanies and under consideration here. This may be by Finch. For full listing see "Grown old in rhyme . . ."

See Annotated Chronology No. 167 (1709-1712). Another satiric epigram, vers de sociéte. Anne Finch can be as unsubtle as this (as in "The Wit and the Beau," "Strephon whose person ev'ry grace" or "Ralpho's Reflections upon the Anniversary of his Wedding," "This Day, sais Ralpho, I was free." Derives from love of music and seeing how it is consumed in society. Again in the new mode. This is the period she was friendly with Swift and it is in doggerel -- as her a number of her fables. She used Orpheus in her satirical reply to Mr Pope.

Upon a Company of bad Dancers to good Musick, p. 49

How ill the Motion with the Musick suits!
So Orpheus fidled, and so danced the Brutes.

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