Perswade me not, there is a grace
A Song Primary Texts:
MS's: F-H 283, 58*; Folger, 30. Secondary Eds:
1713 Misc, 268; rpt of 1713: 1903 Reynolds, 130; rpt of 1903 Reynolds: 1930 Fausset, 60-1. 18C:
1724 The Hive I, 112. 20C:
rpt of 1713/1903: 1905 Tutin, 31. Comment:
Speaker a male this time. He asserts he prefers Miranda's face to Silvia's voice and lute, no matter how "stirred" he feels while "with Art [Silvia] plays and sings." Has supremely witty amorous quality of Shakespeare's sonnet on the virginals (128: "How oft, when thou, my music, music play'st"): he "standing by" will "Impute the Music of the Strings,/And all the melting Words apply" to Miranda.
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 6 January 2003