To the Almighty on his radiant throne


. . . an Hymne Compos'd of the 148th Psalm Paraphras'd . . . The Hymne (F-H 283); With a HYMN Compos'd of the 148Th Psalm Paraphras'd . . . The HYMNE [1713 Misc]

Primary Text:

MS F-H 283, 152-4.

Secondary Eds:

1713 Misc, 248-52; rpt of 1713: 1903 Reynolds, 262- 4.


1709 Manley, New Atalantis, 160-3 ("To the Eternal ... Jove &c;" she substitutes classical for Biblical references; smooths outs language, simplifies, a modernizing).


Looks forward to Christopher Smart.
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 7 January 2003