Short Talk Schedule for Reading and Writing About Texts
English 201:016 and 019: Fall 2002
Dr Ellen Moody
A Primary Course on How to Read and to Write About Literature
Week 4: September 16th & 18th
- 9/16: Short Talk 1: John Cheever's "The Country Husband": Analyze from Point of View: Jason Clement/Jared Clark
- 9/16: Short Talk 2: James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues": Analyze Sonny and his brother's
different characters: Sara Hines/Nicholas Tiscione
- 9/18: Short Talk 3: Doris Lessing's "Our Friend Judith": What is the Usual Idea People
have about "spinsters" and how does this story relate to that idea: Matt Bruno/______________
- 9/18: Short Talk 4: Louisa May Alcott's "My Contraband": Analyze how the characters
represent ideas and how the point of view affects this: Aneliz Escudero/Brian Smith
Week 5: September 23rd & 25th
- 9/23: Short Talk 5: Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat": Analyze the Use of the Setting: Tracy Tran/James Kanka
- 9/23: Short Talk 6: Nadine Gorimer's "Good Climate, Friendly Inhabitants": Analyze the use
Gorimer's make of irony in the story: what is the narrator/author's real attitude to the central
female character and the men she is surrounded by?: Robinson Blake/____________________
- 9/25: Short Talk 7: The Use of the "Speaker" of the Poem in Dorothy Parker's "A Certain
Lady" (pp 870 - 871), Andrew Hudgins's "Praying Drunk" (pp. 874 - 875), Audre Lorde's "Hanging
Fire" p 876), Walt Whitman's "I celebrate myself, and sing myself" (pp. 883 - 884): how does the
poet depend upon the reader to dislike cruelty and to identify with the speaker: Chuck Butler/__________________
- 9/25: Short Talk 8: Edith Wharton's "Souls Belated": The Problem of Social Pressure: Rebecca Durvin/Andrew Whitmer
Week 6: Only Wednesday, October 2nd
- 10/2: Short Talk 9: Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" and Anthony Hecht's "The Dover
Bitch" (pp. 896 -897 and pp. 1150 - 1151): Poems whose Meaning Reside in the Relationship
between the Two ("Literary Tradition as Context"): Corey Jones/Lindsey Kalber
- 10/2: Short Talk 10: The Difference between the Use of Flashback and Progressive Time
in the novella Woman in Black and the film Woman in Black: Drew Campbell/Maria Abundo
Weeks 7 & 8: October 7th - 16th
- On October 7th: the first-third exam occurs: it will be on all the short stories and poetry and
both the novella, Woman in Black and the film adaptation; on October 9th and 15th,
the class watches the BBC A Doll House; on October 16th: Essay With Guidelines #1 is due and
the class discusses the film of A Doll House, how to criticize a play.
Week 9: October 21st & 23rd
- 10/21: Short Talk 11: A Doll House: The Central Conflicts between Torvald
Helmer and Nora, his wife: Nhuan Le/Vanessa Allex
- 10/21: Short Talk 12: A Doll House: Trace the ways in which Money is Used in
the Play: Jennie Armon/Elizabeth Dunseith
- 10/23: Short Talk 13: The Function of the Minor Characters in A Doll's House: Carissa Cantafio/Katherine Kent
- 10/23: Short Talk 14: The Woman's Point of View in Martha Collins's "Lies" (p., 935), Judith
Ortiz Cofer's "The Changeling" (p 1197), Anne Finch's "There's No To-Morrow" (p. 925), Marie
Howe's "Practicing" (p. 1183), Mary Lady Chudleigh, "To the Ladies" (pp. 829 - 830), Anna
Laetitia Barbauld's "Washing Day" (pp. 1198- 1199), Adrienne Rich's "For the Record" (pp. 1115
- 1116): ______________/Kathrine Salter
Week 10: October 28th & 30th
- 10/28: Short Talk 15: Death of a Salesman: The Central Conflicts between
Willy and his son, Biff: Joanne Seminario/Samuel Kumi
- 10/28: Short Talk 16: Death of a Salesman: Trace the ways in which Money is
Used in the Play: James Cullen/Michael Sardone
- 10/30: Short Talk 17: Death of a Salesman: Willy Loman and Male and Class
Ideals: Lester Yap/Brian Laskowski
- 10/30: Short Talk 18: Race, Class and War in Langston Hughes's "I, Too" and "Theme for
English B" (pp. 1277 - 1278), Robert Lowell's "Skunk Hour" (pp. 1279 - 1280), Wilfred Owen's
"Dulce et Decorum" (pp. 1178, 1184 - 1185), Derek Walcott's "A Far Cry from Africa" (pp. 1159 -
1160): Christine Anderson/_________________
Week 11: November 4th & 6th
- 11/4: Short Talk 19: A Streetcar Named Desire: The Central Opposition
Between Stanley and Blanche: What Do the Characters Symbolize or Stand For: Patrick Langdon/Steven Ellis
- 11/4: Short Talk 20: A Streetcar Named Desire: Trace the ways in which
Class Stigmas are Used in the Play: Elizabeth Sol/Michelle Ragnetti
- 11/6: Short Talk 21: A Streetcar Named Desire and A Doll House:
Compare the use of the supporting characters in the two plays (Mrs inde and Nils Krogstad,
Stella and Mitch): Florence Dhainaut/Lindsey Kalber
- 11/6: Short Talk 22: Beauty in Richard Wilbur's "The Beautiful Changes" (pp. 951- 9 52),
Adrienne Rich's "Two Songs" (pp. 963 - 64), John Lennon and Paul McCartney's "Lucy in the Sky
with Diamonds" (p. 1011), Dylan Thomas's "Fern Hill" (pp. 1306 - 1307): Chris Burgess/__________________
Weeks 12 & 13: November 11th - 20th
- On November 11th, the second-third exam occurs: it will be on A Doll House (film and play text), The Death of a Salesman, A Streetcar Named Desire, and assigned
poems; on November 13th & 18th: the class watches Mary Reilly; on November
20th Essay With Guidelines #2 is due; and the class discusses the gothic and Dr Jekyll and Mr
Week 14: Only Monday, November 25th
- Short Talk 23: Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Chapter on Dreams" and "Letters" (Broadview
Press, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Appendices A & D, pp. 93 - 104, 124 - 130): The
Relationship of Stevenson's Imagination to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Phuong Tran/Felicia Gayda
- Short Talk 24: The Use of a Double Self in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and
"Markheim" (the story is in Appendix B of Broadview Press edition, pp. 105-121): Harish Kannan(016)
- Short Talk 29: The Character of Mary Reilly as an Archetypal Gothic Heroine: Alicia
Burney (019)
- Short Talk 25: Mary Reilly: Analyze the story from how the point of view
makes us reread Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde differently: Jaime Richman/Donald Nusbaum
Week 15: December 2nd & 4th
- 12/2: Short Talk 26: Characters as Symbols in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and
Mary Reilly: Michael McClure/Mark Muller
- 12/2: Short Talk 27: Visual Techniques in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and the film
Mary Reilly: Christin Reardon/Elizabeth Planchak
- 12/4: Short Talk 28: The Plot-Designs of Mary Reilly and Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde: Michelle Santayana/Jared Clark
- 12/4: Short Talk 29: The Character of Mary Reilly as an Archetypal Gothic Heroine: Anita
The Final: December 11th (English 201.016) & 16th (English 201.019)
- These will be open book exams on Stephen Frears's Mary
Reilly, Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and the stories and essays and
letters assigned from the Broadview Press edition, on Valerie Martin's Mary Reilly. They will consist of two essays
and ten short answer questions. ESSAY WITH GUIDELINES #3 IS DUE.
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 2 November 2002.