Proposal for Essay #2.
Keep it to less than 2 pages.
- Name of musical composition you are going to describe, what it is (song, symphony, instrumental, ballad), and where you found it. MP3.
- What is its subject? if there is a story or situation, explain. If it is instrumental, what is the title and does that tell you anything. A couple of sentences.
- Provisional thesis? what idea do you think you will develop? A couple of sentences.
- Strategy: how do you plan to present it: will you frame it as a story; will you place it in history or against what is known of the singer/composer or tupe of music it belongs to; will it be an autobiographical or personal context? What comparisons will you use? Suggest the metaphors you can think of. Two paragraphs.
- Why do you like it? Is your attraction central to your idea? here you could try some preliminary description (formal elements, how it sounds, how it is organized, what is the refrain). Two paragraphs at most.
- What do you think the singer/composer is trying to say or feeling, or wants to make you feel. One paragraph.
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: September 22, 2008.