A family secret...
(Joseph to Ben: Sarah was your mother)
Takes father and son to a distant planet
(The Siskos, Ezri, and Jamie on Tyree)
A grandson's anger
(Jake to Sarah-Prophet: You raped that woman! And you used my poor grandfather and broke his heart!)
May decide the fate of a world
(Kira: All I know is this is getting worse)
And a mysterious newcomer
(Jamie Thale: I am current awaiting new assignment)
With a secret mission of her own
(Taddus Swann to Five: We don't contact her until it's time for her next instruction)
All coming up in "Ashes"!
(Odo to Kira: Well, if the Klingons show up too, we'll know this has been a bad day)
Coming Soon to The Writings of Miss Izzy!