- ----------------------. Adelston ou le Pouvoir de l'Amour. Paris, 1816.
- ----------------------. Agathoclès, ou lettres écrites de Rome et de la Grèce, au commencementdu IXe siècle, translated from the text by Caroline Pichler. Paris 1812. 3 Vols. There was a second edtion in 1813 and a a third in 1817. In her preface to her 1815 edition of Caroline de Lichtfield, Montolieu singles this one out as one of her best translations which, however, "charming as it is, ought to be forgotten against Caroline".
- ----------------------. Alice, ou la Sylphide. This is cited online as an imitation/adaptation of The Sylph, a novel which has been attributed to Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire (though see below for another attribution). It is actually a re-issue of Montolieu's translation of The Sylph under another title. See below under La Syphide.
- -----------------------. Amélie et Joséphine. Paris: 1812. A short novel.
- -----------------------. Anabel, ou Mémoires d'une jeune femme de qualitié. Traduit de l'anglais de Mme. Élisa Hervey, par Mme. La Bne. Isabelle de Montolieu. Paris: Arthus Bertrand 1820. 1824. 5 Vols. This was first published in four volumes as Amabel: or, Memoirs of a Woman of Fashion (London: Henry Colburn, 1814). Upon the death of Hervey's husband after just seven years of marriage, Hervey turned to writing to support herself and her two young sons. She is known for her gothic fiction as well as her domestic novels in the tradition of Austen and Edgeworth; her works, popular in their day and now quite scarce, include Melissa and Marcia: or, the Sisters (1788), Louisa: or, the Reward of an Affectionate Daughter (1790), The History of Ned Evans (1796), The Church of Saint Siffrid (1797), and The Mourtray Family (1800). See Montague Summers, A Gothic Bibliography, pp. 64 and 230.
- ---------------------. Un an et un jour. The entry from the catalogue from the National Library of France reads: "Un an et un jour, translated freely from English. Paris: A Bertrand, 1820/21. Traduit d'un ouvrage paru en anglais en 1818 : A Year and a day, sous le nom de Mme Panache. Ce nom, d'après Mme de Montolieu, serait un nom supposé," but the New York Public Library entry reads: "Panache, Madame, 1789 or 90-1881. A year and a day. A novel ... By Madame Panache [pseud.] author of Manners ... New-York: Published by C. Wiley & co., no. 3 Wall-street. J. Seymour, printer. 1819. 267 p. 19 cm.." This is probably by Isabelle de Montolieu as Berthoud records when Isabelle sent the manuscript to her Paris.
- ----------------------. Anecdotes sentimentales.. Londres, 1811.
- ----------------------. Aristomenes, traduit de l'Allemand. By August Heinrich Julius Lafontaine. d'A. Lafontaine. 2 volumes. Paris, 1804.
- [? ----------------------. Aspasie, or, The Wanderer. Paris, 1788. Traduction attribuée à Isabelle de Montolieu par Barbier d'après une mention au titre de l'édition de 1788.?]
- -----------------------. Caroline de Lichtfield. 3 Volumes First published in 1786, it was reissued for a second time in 1786 with "nouvelles corrections considérables"; this text was republished in 1788, 1794/95 and again in 1802; there is an 1809 text which was reprinted in French in London; and then in 1815 Montolieu republished the text presented here. There is also a Caroline de Litchfield (Paris: Dauthereau, 1829, 2 vols [4 vols in 2], perhaps 24mo (I am grateful to Nora Crook for alerting me to the existence of and describing this edition.) Caroline de Lichtfield was again reprinted in 1843 in Paris. The novel was quickly translated into Spanish, Portuguese and English. The English translator was Thomas Holcroft: Caroline of Lichtfield: A Novel. London: Robinson, 1786; a second edition of this English text reappeared in 1787; in Ireland (?) in 1795 and in New York in 1798; there were at least 3 further reprintings (or six "editions" [1798. 1818, 1817] including a Minerva Press reprint) of Holcroft's translation by 1820.
- ----------------------. Cécile de Rodeck, ou les Regrets. This is sometimes cited as if it were an original novel by Montolieu; it is apparently an imitation of a novel by Caroline Pichler. There was a reprint of it bound with Alice, ou la Sylphide in 1829.
- ----------------------. Le Châlet des Hautes-Alpes [The Chalet of the Upper Alps], 1813/1814. This is followed by "Deux feuillets du journal de mon ami Gustave," "Amour et silence," "Frères et soeur," "les Aveux d'un misogyne, ou l'Ennemi des femmes."
- ----------------------. Charles et Hélène de Moldorf; Huit Ans de Trop. Traduit de l'Allemand de August Gottlieb Mesner [sic]. Paris, 1814.
- ----------------------. Les châteaux suisses [Swiss Castles]: anciennes anecdotes et chroniques, orné de quatre figures en taille-douce, dessinées dáprès nature. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1817. Reprinted many times, e.g., Lausanne, Samuel Blanc, 1865, 1910 and 1930; Geneve: Édition Atar; most recently Neuchâtel, Avanti: 1963. An 1896 copy has illustrations by H. Van Muyden. I own an 1865 reprint of an 1824 edition of Les châteaux suisses; it includes a dedication to Madame de Genlis's daughter, Pulchérie, given the title La Comtesse de Valence, a "Préface" by Montolieu, a 4 page biographical notice and the following tales: I: "Les grottes de Lindenthal ou le château de Thorberg;" "Les châteaux de Hallwyl et de Mulinen ou l'anneau de Hallwy;" "Les quatre tourelles du château de Vufflens;" "Le château de Blonay;" "Les fêtes du château de Blonay ou Gizèle et Isaure;" and II: "Le roi Lothaire et son chevalier Arthurs (suite de Vufflens)"; Les chevaliers de la Cuillère, ou le château de Montricher;" Le château des Clées et la superstition;" "Le château de Weissenbourg;" "La château de Grandson, anecdote du XVe siècle."
- ----------------------. Les chevaliers de la Cuillère, suivis du château des Clées et de Liseley, complément des Châteaux suisses, 1823.
- ----------------------. Le comte de Waldheim et son intendant Wildman, frère de "Emmerich.", freely translated from the German by "Emmerich" (J. Gottwich Müller). Paris: 1812.
- ----------------------. Conseils à mon Fils. 1816. Berthoud records Isabelle sending this to her publisher as a work "sérieux, mais bon et moral."
- ----------------------. Constantin ou le muet supposé, imitated from the German by M. Krusse. Paris, 1827.
- ----------------------. Corisande de Beauvilliers, Anecdote Française du 16e siècle, Traduite de l'anglais de Charlotte Smith. 2 Vols. A Paris, Chez Demonville, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue Christine, no. 2, 1806?/1821? This is a translation/adaptation (and apparently enlargement) of the volume-length story which occupies the third volume of Smith's The Letters of a Solitary Wanderer, containing Narratives of Various Description, "The Story of Corisande" (the first two volumes of Smith's work were published in 1799, and three more, including "Corisande" added in 1800). There was an abridgement and translation of this particular tale in 1806 by a M. de Salaberry; this is listed in Harold Wade Streeter, The Eighteenth Century English Novel in Translation: A Bibliographical Study (1936; reprinted New York: Blom, 1970), p. 207 (No. 330).
- ----------------------. Dix Nouvelles [Ten Novellas]. 1815. D'après Quérard, two of the novellas, "le Retour de Maurice," and "Chistian Woldan" are imitated from the German by Starke; "Le Monastère de Saint-Joseph" is freely translated from the German by Goethe.
- ----------------------. Douze Nouvelles [Twelve Novellas]. 1812. D'après Quérard, several of the novellas, "Sophie, ou l'Aveugle," Le Peit Antoine," one of "Deux visites, le Vieux savetier" are also imitated from the German by Starke. "Le Songe" is imitated from the German by Musaeus.
- ---------------------. Dudeley et Claudy by Adelaide O'Keefe. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1824 (6 vols).
- ----------------------. Emmerich, cours de morale mis en action. Paris, H. Nicolle, 1810. Traduit de l'allemand d'une partie des Komische Romane de Johann Gottwerth Müller, d'après Quérard.
- -----------------------. Exaltation et piété, quatre nouvelles. Paris: A Bertrand, 1812. These include: "Le Jeune Quaker," Élise, ou les Souvenirs d'une jeune Morave," "La Veille de Noël, ou la Conversion."
- -----------------------. Falkenberg, ou l'Oncle. Paris, 1812. Paris, Arthus Bertrand 1812, translated from the text by Caroline Pichler.
- -----------------------. La Famille Elliot, our L'Ancienne Inclination, traduction libre de l'anglais d'un roman posthume de Miss Jane Austen. 2 Volumes. Paris: Athrus Bertran, 1821. The second issue (1828) reads "Nouvelle Édition, ornée de figures. See David Gilson, A Bibliography of Jane Austen,. New Castle: Delaware: Oak Knoll Pres, 1997, pp. 166-72.
- -----------------------. La Ferme aux Abeilles ou les Fleurs de lis, imitated from August La Fontaine. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1814, 1829.
- -----------------------. La Fille du Marguillier/Charles et Hélene. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1828. These are apparently not translations, but novels by Montolieu. The National Library of France catalogue says: "Le faux-titre de la première nouvelle porte : La Fille du marguillier, trad. lib. de l'all., de Praetzel ; celui de la deuxième nouvelle porte : Charles et Hélène de Moldorf, ou huit ans de trop, traduit de l'allemand de Mesner. [sic pour Meissner.]
- -----------------------. La Filleule de Minerve, 1812/3.
- -----------------------. Le Fils d'adoption, ou Amour et coquetterie, a free translation from a German novel by Auguste Lafontaine titled Henriette Belman. Paris, 1803.
- [? -----------------------. Gethsemane, a poem, founded on, [or rather an abridgment of,] the Messiah of Friedrich Gottlief Klopstock. 2 volumes. London, ?"?]
- -----------------------. Histoire du Comte Rodrigo de W ... premier ministre de la cour de S*** followed by Le Jeune fruitier du lac de Joux et des Aveux d'un mysogyne, ou l'Ennemi des femmes. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1829.
- -----------------------. La Jeune Aveugle, 1819. Said to be an imitation from an English text. Also published with another tale: La Jeune Aveugle/La poupée bienfaissante. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1829.
- -----------------------. Le jeune fruitier du lac de Joux (même texte que Le vacher de la vallée de Joux, see below, but in its complete and original form first printed in 1818). Éditions le Pèlerin, 1998.
- ----------------------. Le Jeune Professeur et le Rosier, 1811. This novella appeared in the Mercure in this year.
- -----------------------. Le Mystère ou Mémoires de Madame Melvin. Paris: Chez Arthus Bertrand, 1795 (reprinted 1797?). An original novel which is said to recall Richardson through the perspective of Rousseau, and to have autobiographical elements.
- -----------------------. Ludovico, ou le Fils d'un homme de génie, translated from the English text by Barabra Wreaks Hoole Hofland. 1 Vol. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1833.
- -----------------------. Lysely followed by Nantilde, ou la Vallée and Frères et soeur. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1828.
- -----------------------. Marie et Fedor Dolgorouki, histoire russe en forme de lettres. Also titled Le village de Lobenstein, ou le Nouvel enfant trouvé Traduction libre du roman allemand by August Heinrich Julius Lafontaine. Paris: Depray 1806. It was printed in 2 and in 5 volumes.
- -----------------------. Mina, nouvelle posthume, posthumous first publication, 1833.
- -----------------------. Le Nécromancien, ou le Prince à Venise, mémoires du comte d'O***. A translation/free adaptation and completion (an ending is provided) of Der Geisterseher by Johann Schiller (his unfinished novel, first published 1787). Paris 1810 (reprinted 1811). This was a very popular novel in the period (the German subtitle was Eine Geschichte aus den Memoires des Grafen von O****). It is partly told in letters. Isabelle provided an ending. She was accused of wanting to attack religion; she wrote a justification of herself but it was never published.
- -----------------------. La Neige, in Mercure de France, 25 February 1810.
- -----------------------. Nouveaux Tableaux de Famille: ou la vie d'un pauvre ministre de village allemand, et ses enfans by August Heinrich Julius LaFontaine. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1802/3, 1823. 3 Vols. Also London, 1802/1803.
- -----------------------. Olivier, translated from text by Caroline Pichler. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1823.
- -----------------------. Ondine, translated from Friedrich de Lamouthe-Fouqué's Undine first published in 1811. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1822 (?), 1834.At gallica: la bibliothèque numérique: bibliothèque nationale de France, the reader will find an Acrobat Reader text.
- ------------------------. Pétrarque et Laure. 1814. Madame de Genlis' daughter records that Isabelle has just written this novel in a letter to Madame de Genlis.
- -----------------------. La princessse de Wolfenbuttel, a free translation of Die Prinzessin von Wolfenbuttel by Heinrich Zschokke (first published 1807) and founded upon a written history of Charlotte Christina Sophia [of Wolfenbuttel], Consort of Alexis Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia. Emmerich, 1810 (reprinted 1820). This too was translated by Thomas Holcroft into English as Christina; or, Memoirs of a German Princess: London: Henry Colburn, 1808/1809. Montolieu's French translation was published in 1820.
- -----------------------. Raison et Sensibilité, ou Les Deux Manières d'Aimer, traduit librement de l'anglais. 4 volumes. Paris: J. G. Dentu, 1816. For observations on the considerable differences see David Gilson, A Bibliography of Jane Austen,. New Castle: Delaware: Oak Knoll Pres, 1997, pp. 152-55. This free translation by Montolieu was recently reprinted in France as Raison et Sentiments (Broché, 1996). For the "Preface du Traducteur" click here
- ----------------------. Recueil des contes. Geneva: J. J. Paschoud, 1803. D'après Quérard, two of these contes, "Le Voile enlevé" and "Melchsala" are freely translated from the German of Musaeus.
- -----------------------. Réflexions, 1812. Berthoud records Isabelle's comment that this is "dans le genre de La Rochefoucauld."
- -----------------------. La rencontre au Garigliano; ou, Les quatre femmes. Traduit de l'allemand de Brazile Ramdohr (Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius von Ramdohr, 1752?-1822). Paris, Chez Debray, 1803.
- ----------------------. Le Robinson suisse, ou, Journal d'un père de famille, naufragé avec ses enfans. 4 Volumes, chart, frontispiece and plates. 17 cm. Traduit de l'allemand of Johann David Wyss (1743-1818), a Swiss pastor. (The novel was first published in 2 parts in 1812-13, and the first English translation appeared in 1814.) Seconde édition, revue avec soin, et augmentèe des Petits Robinson dans leur île, comédie. Orné de douze figures en taille-douce et de la carte de l'île déserte. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1816. I own a copy of Le Robinson suisse, or Journal d'un père de famille naufragé avec ses enfans, traduit de l'allemand de M. Vis, par Mme de Montoliue. 5 Vols. Cinquième Édition, Orné de figures en taille-douce et de la carete de l'île désert. A Paris, Chez Arthus Bertrand, Libraire, 1826. For a 1879 abridged English translation of Montolieu's adaptation, click here
- ----------------------. La Rose de Jéricho. Imité de l'allemand [de Hesse]. Paris: A Bertrand, 1819." This also appears in the British Library catalogue and on booksellers' lists only in English as "The Rose of Jericho, 1819. Translated freely from a German work by David Hess. Edited by Caroline Norton (afterwards Lady Stirling-Maxwell), it reappeared in an English translation from the French in London, 1870." Like Un an et un jour this is probably by Isabelle as Berthoud records when Isabelle sent the manuscript to a publisher in Paris.
- -----------------------. Saint-Clair des Isles, ou Les Exilés à l'Isle de Barra, freely translated from the English text by Elizabeth Helme). Par Mme de Montolieu. 4 vols. Paris: chez H. Nicolle. 1809.
- -----------------------. Le Siége de Vienne, roman historique, translated from the text by Caroline Pichler. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1820, 1826. 3 Vols.
- -----------------------. Le Serin de Jean-Jacques de Rousseau, ed., Claire Jaquier. Carouge-Genève,: Minozoé, 1997. (ISBN 2-88182-315-7).
- ---------------------. Sophie d'Alwin, ou le Séjour aux eaux de B***, followed by La découverte des eux thermales de Weissembourg.. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1830. These may not be translations. The National Library of France catalogue says: " Le faux titre de la première nouvelle porte : Sophie d'Alwin ou le Séjour aux eaux de B*** traduit de l'allemand de Mme Caroline l'ichler ; celui de la deuxième nouvelle porte : Découverte des eaux thermales de Weissembourg, dans le Bas-Siebenthal, au canton de Berne : ancienne tradition tirée de la Rose des Alpes, ouvrage périodique?"
- ---------------------. Sternbald, ou le Peintre voyageur translated from the German by Tieck, reviewed and "corrected" by Montolieu. Paris, 1823. Berthoud records that Madame de Genlis's daughter Pulchérie had a liaison with a painter of this name.
- -----------------------. La Sylphide, ou l'Ange gardien. A translation of The Sylph, which has been attributed to Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, though the attribution has been questioned (see below). The first edition seems to be Paris, Mérigot jeune, 1784, 2 vols. in -12. A second edition is listed as La sylphide ou l'ange-gardien, nouvelle traduite de l'Anglais. Imprimé aux dépends du Traducteur, et se vend à Lausanne, 1795. 11.5cm. 157p., fold. pl. with musical notation, frontis. engraved by L.Emery dated (1793). There was another: Lausanne and Paris, 1795, in-18; this may have been reprinted in 1796. (There was an earlier translation in 1784 (Le Sylphe. Paris, Mérigot jeune, 1784, 2 vol. in-12.) This is an interesting choice, for the novel combines elements of sentimentality and libertinism. It also sold and has attracted attention since because of the vexed question of attribution , its possible autobiographical content and its depictions of amorality.
- -----------------------. Suite des nouvelles. Paris: Bertrand, 1918. This includes: Nantilde, ou la Vallée de Balbella, Découverte des eaux thermales de Weissembourg ; II. Cécile de Rodeck, ou les Regrets, and Alice ou la Sylphide; III. Sophie d'Alwin, ou le Séjour aux eaux de B***.
- -----------------------. Tableaux de famille, ou Journal de Charles Engelman, traduit de l'allemand of Karl Engelmanns Tagebuch. Seconde édition, revue et corrigé. 2 Volumes, plates, 12o. Paris: de l'imprimerie Guilleminet; chez Debray, 1801/1802.
- ----------------------. La Tante et la Nièce translatoin from text by Johanna Schopenhauer. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1825. 3 Vols.
- -----------------------. Le vacher de la vallée de Joux . This is in print in a small modern edition.
- -----------------------. La Vaurien, tableaux de famille from the text by Auguste Lafontaine (pseudonym Miltenberg). Paris, 1858. A reprint.
- ----------------------. Voyage en Allemagne, dans le Tyrol et en Italie, pendant les années 1804, 1805 et 1806. By Elisa vder Recke. Traduit d'allemand par (Isabelle) de Montolieu. 4 Bde. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1819.
*Montolieu's total corpus is said to number at least 105 volumes, although the largest online list (at the National Library of France) contains only 84, and a couple of these are misattributions. Any items which I list here which are attributed to Isabelle de Montolieu but which I feel unsure about will be placed inside brackets with a question mark at either end. I also here mention that the National Library of France lists two books of letters: one by Isabelle de Montolieu, the other by Anne-Pierre Montesquiou-Fezensac. Both are described as printed ("texte imprimé). However, I have never seen these two book advertised as for sale or cited anywhere else.
1 For a relevant bibliography on epistolary literature, click here.
2 For a relevant bibliography on Sophie Cottin, click here