[Note to the reader: Jayne Elizabeth Lewis studies Anne Finch's fables in the context of a fable traditon in a useful perceptive study (The English Fable: Aesop and Literary Culture, 1651-740 [Cambridge UP, 1996]). However, Finch's fables also reflect Finch's work in very different genres (e.g., erotic-lyric, personal-meditative or playful, drama, epistolary satire, Miltonics, Donnian-Marvel line of wit, sensual from the Tasso and the European baroque). This bibliography is meant to present her sources for her translation work from a variety of genres. For a handy list of Anne Finch's translations, adapations and imitations alphabetized by title of poem or name of original poet, click here. For an essay on Finch in the context of all her translations and varied uses of genres, see my close reading of her practice as a translator: Anne Finch as a Translator (on the development of her techniques in her original poetry through her practice of translation).]
Bibliography of the Original Source Texts
The Fables
- Aesop. In Select Fables, viz. At Tunbridge, at Bath, at Epsom, at Whitehall, at Amsterdam, with a Dialogue between a Bow-Steeple Dragon, and the Exchange Grasshopper. London, 1698.
- Aesop en belle humeur, ou Dernière Traduction, et Augmentation de ses Fables en Prose, & en Vers Brusselle: Chez François Foppens, Librare, au Saint Espril. 1693. This is a large compendium of verse translations performed with real elegance and sophistication. There is no downright pragmatic moral attached; rather the aim is a picture of the social world of seventeenth century France. It includes versions of many of the poems Anne apparently took from La Fontaine. This was an important book to Anne: she may have used it along with La Fontaine, which would explain why she didn't name La Fontaine as her source in many of her fables.
- Aesop's and other Fables, An Anthology, introd. Ernest Rhy, postscript Roger Lancelyn Green. 1913; reprint London: Everyman, 1971. This anthology contains fables from Caxton, James, Phaedrus, Barlandrus, Avianus, Abstemius, Pilpay, Lokman, Florian, La Fontaine, Fay, Lessing, Krilof, and Tolstoi, and a group of anonymous English and Welsh folk tales. I refer to it in my list of sources as Rhys.
- Aesop Naturalized. London, 1697. Contains 'The Cat, Sow, and Eagle' and 'The Drunkard and His Wife'.
- Barlow, Francis. Aesop's Fables with his Life: In English, French, and Latin. Newly Translated. London, 1687. This vast compendium was also the basic source of Aphra Behn's cynical verse paraphrases (reprinted in Selected Writings, a 1950 Grove Press book).
- Beugnot, Bernard. 'L'Idée de retraite dans l'eouvre de la Fontaine', CAIEF, 26 (1974), pp. 131-142.
- ----------------. 'Autour d'un texte: L'ultime leçon des Fables, Mélanges de littérature française offerts à monsieur René Pintard. Strasbourg: Centre de philologie et de littérature reomances de Strasbourg, 1975.
- Blackham, H. J. The Fable as Literature. London: Athlone, 1985.
- Calin, William. Militia and Amor, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 28-40.
- W. D. Aesop's Fables, with Their Moral, in Prose and Verse. London, 1703.
- Dandry, Patrick. "L'emergence du natural dans les Fables de la Fontaine: A
propos du Héron et de la Fille, RHLF, 83 (19830, pp. 378ff.
- Danner, Richard. 'La Fontaine's Fables, Book X: The Labyrinth Hypothesis, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 90-97.
- DeJean, Joan. 'La Fonatine's Psyché: The Reflecting Pool of Classicism, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 99-109.
- Dennis, John. Miscellanies in Verse and Prose. London, 1693. This book includes numbers of Aesopic fables, some of which we find Anne using. Some of them appear to be imitations of La Fontaine.
- L'Estrange, Sir Roger. Fables of Aesop, and Other Eminent Mythologists with Morals and Reflections. London, 1692.
- Fontaine, Jean de. Discours à Madame de la Sablière sur l'âme des animaux,
ed. introd. H. Brusson and F. Golien. Geneve: Droz, 1950
- Gay, John. Fables, 1727, 1738, introduction Vinton A. Dearing. Los Angeles, California: William Clark Memorial Library, 1967.
- Gross, Nathan. 'Order and Theme in La Fontaine's Fables, Book VI, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 78-89
- Hayes, John. Aesop Naturalised and Exposed to Public View in His Own Shape and Dress. London, 1697.
- Hoole, Charles, trans. Aesop's Fables English and Latine. London, 1657. Dual Language Book: Latin on one side with facing English on the other.
- Houghton, Thomas and Thomas Singleton, Aesop Improved or Above three hundred and fifty FABLES, MOSTLY AESOP'S, With their MORALS, paraphrased in English VERSE. London, 1673.
- La Fontaine, Jean. Fables choisies mises en vers, ed. G. Couton. Paris: Garnier, 1962.
- LePage, Raymond G. 'The 1668 Edition of the Fables: An Iconographic Interpretation', L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 66-77.
- Lewis, Jayne Elizabeth. The English Fable: Aesop and Literary Culture, 1651-1740. Cambridge, At the University Press, 1996.
- Mandeville, Bernard. Aesop Dress'd; or A Collection of Fables Writ in Familiar Verse. London, 1704. Reprinted by the Augustan Reprint Society, at the William Clark Memorial Library, NO. 120. Introduced by John S. Shea. The origin of this book is also in La Fontaine: the title of its first appearance (with fewer fables) was Some Fables after the Easier and Familiar Method of Monsieur de la Fontaine. Mandeville chooses a number of the same fables Anne did (eg., 'The Pumpkin and the Acorn', 'Cock, Cat, and Young Mouse', 'The Drunkard and His Wife', 'Love and Folly', 'A She-Goat, a Sheep, and a Sow'.
- Mongrédien, Georges. M. Recueil des Testes et des Documents du XVIIe siècle
relatifs à la Fontaine. Davis: Centre Nationale de la Recherche scientifique, 1973.
- Moore, Marianne, translator. Selected Fables of La Fontaine. London: Faber, 1955.
- Nicolich, 'The Trimph of Language: The Sister Arts in Creative Activity in La Vontaine's Songe de Vaux, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 10-21.
- Noel, Thomas. Theories of the Fable in the Eighteenth-Century. Nwe York: Columbia University Press, 1975.
- Ogilby, John. The Fables of Aesop, Paraphras'd in Verse, introd. Earl Miner. The Second Edition. London, 1668. This was later renamed 'The First Part' since in 1673 there was another edition and labelled published with annotatations and additions. University of California, Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1965.
- H. P. Aesops Fable's, with the Fables of Phaedrus, Moralized, Translated Veratim, according to the Latin. London, 1646.
- Périvier, Jacques-Henri. '"La Cigale et la fourmi": Comm introduction aux Fables, French Review, 42 (1968-1969), pp. 420-427.
- Smith, Ellwood, ''Notes on the Rimed Fable in England', Modern Language Notes, 31 (1916), pp. 206-217.
- --------------. 'A Classification for Fables, Based onthe Collection of Marie de France,' Modern Philology, 15-16 (1917-1919), pp. p3-105.
- --------------. 'The Fable as Poetry in English Criticism', Modern Language Notes, 32 (1917), pp. 466-471.
- Sweetser, Marie-Odile. La Fontaine. Boston: Twayne, 1987.
- ---------------------. 'Adonis, poème d'amour. Conventions et création poétiques, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 41-49.
- Tiefenbrun, Susan. 'The Art and Artistry of Teaching in the Fables of La Fontaine, L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 50-65.
- Tilley, A. 'La Fontaine and Bidpai', Modern Language Notes, 34 (1939), pp. 21-39.
- Tuber, Roger. Les Belles Infidèles et la formation du goût classique. Paris:
Colin, 1968.
- Van Baelen, Jacqueline. 'La Chasse d'Adonis', L'Ésprit Créateur, 21 (1981), pp. 22-27.
- Wadsworth, Philip. La Fontaine: A Study of His Artistic Growth and his Early Poetry and First Fables. 1952; reprint: New York: AMS Press, 1970.
- Wadsworth, Philip, ed. Selected Works of La Fontaine. Carbondale: S. Illinois Press, 1950. Includes 'Adonis', 'Le Songe de Vaux' as well as many of the fables Anne used.
- Webster, John. Duchess of Malfi, III, ii, 120-35. For the fable of Love, Death and Reputation.
- Zuber, Roger. "Le Songe d'un habitant du Mogul: Étude Littraire," Bulletin de la
faculté des lettres de l'université de Strasbourg, 11 (1963), pp. 361-70.
The Lyrics and Satires
The following bibliography does not pretend to be complete. It lists often neglected important sources of Anne's art and includes texts Anne Finch alluded to in central or important ways, texts which influenced hers, two texts which parodied one of hers, as well as those texts she translated, adapted and imitated.
- Aulutte, Robert. Mathurin Régnier: Les Satires. Paris: Sedes, 1983.
- Boileau. Oeuvres, ed., notes. Georges Mongrèdien. Paris: Garnier, 1961.
- Bowyer, John Wilson. The Celebrated Mrs Centlivere. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1952, pp. 194-206 for a truthful detailed account of the female poets Pope, Gay and Arbuthnot piloried in Three Hours After Marriage.
- Bray, René. La Précosité et les Précieux. Paris: Nizet, 1968. Although the last third of this book takes us into the later eighteenth through to the twentieth century, the opening discussion of the phenomenon of 'précosité' itself and its manifestation in the literature of the later 17th century (especially by Frenchwomen) are of real interest in understanding Anne's outlook on pastoral both in the drama and satire.
- Bussy-Rabutin, Roger Comte de, "De Quelle maniere il faut ques les dames se conduisent pour ne pas perde de reputation en aimant," The Maximes d'Amour par le Comte de Bussy, reprinted in 1868 as a coda to two volumes containing Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules, suivie de La France Galante, nouvelle edition, containing also Maximes d'Amour and La Carte Georgraphique de la Cour, introd. Sainte-Beuve, 2 vols Paris Garnier, 1868.
- Chalmers, A. The Works of the English Poets. London 1810. Many volumes. Here one may find the verse of nowadays minor obscure male poets whom Anne alluded to, e.g, Francis Beaumont (Vol 6); Abraham Cowley (Vol 7); Charles Sackville, sxith Earl of Dorset; Wentworth Dillion, Earl of Roscommon (Vol 8); Nicolas Rowe (Vol 9 which contains his 'An Epistle to Flavia, on the Sight ofhte Two Pindaric Odes onthe Spleen and Vaneity. Written by a Lady her friend, the two women, Mrs Catherine Fleming and Anne Finch); John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham (Vol 10),
- Cotterell, Sir Charles, translator. Calprènede, Gauthier de Costes de La. Cassandra. London, 1667.
- Cowley, Abraham. Poems. London: Scolar Press, 1971.
- ---------------. The Civil War, Allan Pritchard. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973.
- Dacier, Anne LeFèvre. Les Poésies d'Anacreon et de Sapho, Traduites de Grec en Francois, avec des Remarque par Mademoiselle Lefevre [later Dacier]. A Lyon. Chez Horace Molin, vis-a-vis le grand college. 1696.
- Deshouliers, Anoinette du Ligier-de-la Garde. Oeuvres de Madame et Mlle Deshouliers, 3 vols. Paris, 1801.
- Ephelia. Female Poems on Several Occasions. London, 1679. Facsimile edition, with critical essay and apparatus by Maureen E. Mulvihill. Delmar, New York: Scholars' Facsimilies and Reprints, 1992. Mulvihill's recent candidate is Mary (Stuart née Villiers), Duchess of Richmond, whom Anne would have known and alludes to in her as yet unattributed poem, "Ye Lads and ye Lasses that live at Long-Leat". For further scholarship see general bibliography.
- Farnham, Fern. Madame Dacier: Scholar and Humanist. MOneterey, California: Angel Press, 1976.
- Killigrew, Anne. Poems, 1686, introd. Richard Norton. Gainesville, Florida: Scholars Facsimile, 1967. In spirit and tone these recall Anne's bitter anti-court poetry.
- Lachèvre, Frédéric. Les Derniers Libertins in Le Libertinage au XVII Siècle. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1924.
- Longepierre, Hilaire-Bernard de Requeleyne de Longepierre, Les Idlles de Bion et de Moscus. Traduites de Grec en Vers Francois. Avec des Remarques, Paris, 1686.
- Lord, George de F., gen ed. Poems on Affairs of State, 1660-1714. 8 volumes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963- While there is much here of relevance to Anne, see especially for a neglected context for her satires 'Tunbridge Satires', Vol 5 ('Fopland'), pp. 346-385. Poems by William Shippen who belonged to Nicholas Rowe's group, wrote a poem to Anne (placed in the Folger MS) and whose poetry appears in Gilden's 1701 New Miscellany are to be found in Volume 6, 'Moderation Display'd' and 'Faction Display'd', pp. 19-42, 649-673. He was a moderate Jacobite.
- Macdonald, Hugh, ed., introd. A Journal from Parnassus, now printed from a manuscript circa1688. London: P. J. Dobell, 1937. This is important for understanding the political and immediate poetical context for 'Sessions of the Poets' poems, which Anne imitated in one of her poems and alluded to in others.
- Maldeghem, Philippe de. Le Petrarque en Rime Francoise avec Ses Commentaries, traduict par Philippe de Maldeghem, Seigneur de Leyschot. Douay: Chez Francois Fabry, Libraire iure, 1666.
- Miscellany Poems, The Third Part. London: Tonson 1710. "Upon a Fart" is print on p. 190.
- Montaigne, Michel de, "Des Cannibals", Essais, ed. P. Villey. Paris, 1965.
- O'Neill, John and Cameron Nickels. "Upon the Attribution of 'Upon a A Fart'", Early American Literature, 14, 1979, pp. 143-148. O'Neill and Nickels dispute the attribution of "Upon a Fart" to William Byrde.
- Pieretti, Marie-Pascale, "Women Writers and Translation in 18th-century France," Ph.D.
Diss. New York University, 1998.
- Poems on Affairs of State, from 1640 to this Present Year, 1704. London, 1704. This contains a version of Finch's "A Sign" followed by "Upon a Fart".
- Pope, Alexander, John Gay and John Arbuthnot. Three Hours After Marriage, from Burlesque Plays of the Eighteenth Century, ed. Simon Trussler. London: Oxford University Press, 1969.
This plays contains a burlesque of Anne's Pindarick Poem upon the late Hurrycane, "You have obey'd, you Winds that must fullfill", Annotated Chronology No. 107.
- Prior, Matthew. Literary Works, ed. H. Bunker Wright and M. Spears. 2 Vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. Important for "Solomon on the Vanity of the World" and "Alma: or, The Progress of the Mind'"; see Vol i, pp. 307-385, 470-518.
- Régnier, Mathurin. Les Satyres, et autres oeuvres du Sieur Mathurin Régnier. Augmenté de diverses pièces cy-devant non imprimées. Paris, 1667.
- -----------------. Bibliographie de Mathurin Régnier, par Henri Chervier. Paris: Rouquette, 1884.
- -----------------. Oeuvres Complètes, ed. Gabriel Raibaciel Paris: Didier, 1958.
- Rochester, Earl of, John Wilmot. The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, ed. David M. Vieth. New Haven: Yale, 1968.
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of. The [Complete] Poetrical Works. Glasgow, 1749.
- Rowe, Elizabeth Singer. The Poetry of Elizabeth Singer Rowe, ed, introd. Madeleine Forell Marshall. Studies in Women in Religion, Vol. 25. Ontario: Edwin Mellen Press, 1987. While scholars study the relationship between Anne's poetry and Aphra Behn's, Katherine Philips', and Anne Killigrew's, they neglect this woman's work. Elizabeth Rowe was a good friend to Anne Finch, to her niece, Frances Thynne Seymour ('the gentle Hertford); Rowe was part of Prior's circle in her early days (there was a romance), and she is alluded to in Anne's fable referring to those poets of her day who are unjustly neglected. Probably the problem is the perspective one is forced to take on Rowe: fideistic and sentimental religion. Marshall reprints Rowe's poems to Arabella Marrow (whom Anne wrote to), on the death of Mrs Thynne, in praise of Lady Worseley (Francis Finch, Anne's Ephelia's daughter), one (possibly) to Anne's husband (as 'Mirtillo'), to 'Cleone' and 'Clorinda' (using the same pseudonyms for the same women Anne and Heneage knew well), pp. 71-72, 106-7, 153-54, 156-59,
- ------------------------. Poems on Several Occasions. Written by Philomela. London: Printed for John Dunton, 1696. See pp. 14-15 Rowe's poem 'To My Lady Carteret', the same young woman Anne wrote about in the first poem which appears in the Wellesley manuscript.
- ------------------------. Friendship in Death, ed., introd. Josephi Grieder. New York: Garland, 1972.
- Stechner, Henry F. Elizabeth Singer Rowe, the Poetess of Frome: A Study in Eighteenth-Century English Piety. Bern, Switzerland: Lang, 1973.
- Tollet, Elizabeth. Poems on Several Occasions. London, 1656. Admittedly, the influence here runs the other way: Tollet wrote a poem celebrating Anne's art.
- Varney, J. Le Petrarquisme en France au XVIe siècle. (1909: rpt. Geneve:
Slatkine, 1969.
- Vianey, J. Les Poètes du XVIe siècle: Chefs d'Oeuvre du Mathurin Rénier. Paris: libarrie Hater, n.d.
- Waller, A. W. Works of Matthew Prior. Cambridge, 1907. The second volume contains a reproduction of Longleat mansucripts.
- Wilson, Harold. The Court Wits of the Restoration. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948.
- Wright, H. Bunker. 'Matthew Prior and Elizabeth Rowe', Philological Quarterly, 24 (19450, pp. 72-91.
- Yarnow, P. J. The Seventeenth Century: A Literary History of France. London: Benn, 1967.
The Plays
This too does not pretend to completeness. I do not include editions of Thomas Otway, Nathaniel Lee, John Dryden, Katherine Philips, all of whose plays (among many) influenced Anne's. Again I am emphasising sources that are explicitly imitated, translated or adapted (target texts), and influences insufficiently explored as yet.
- Beall, Chandler A. La Fortune du Tasse en France. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press, 1942. This offers insight on why Anne translated Tasso.
- Brand, C. P. Torquato Tasso: A Study of the Poet and His Contribution to English
Literature. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1965.
- Cremona, Isadora. L'Influence de l'Aminta Sur la Pastorale Dramatique
Francaise. Paris: Librairie Philosophique, 1977.
- Fisher, Dorothea Canfield. Corneille and Racine in England New York:
Macmillan, 1940.
- Flora, Francesco, ed. Torquato Tasso: Aminta e Rime. 2 Vols. 1952; rpt.
Einaudi, 1976.
- Marsan, Jules. La Pastorale Dramatique en France à le fin du XVI siècle et au commencement du XVII siècle. 1905; reprinted New York: Franklin, 1971. This offers insight into how Anne read Tasso and
also the closet drama of her period.
- Praz, Mario. 'Tasso in England' in The Flaming Heart. New York: Anchor, 1958.
- Priest, H. M. Tasso in English Literature, 1575-1675. Ph.D. Dissertaion, Northwestern University 1933.
- Racine, Athalie, Théâtre Complet ed. M. Rat . Paris: Garnier, 1960.
- Tasso, Torquato. Aminta, introd. M. Fubini, notes B. Maier. Milano: Rizzoli,
- Torches, Abbé de. L'Aminte du Tasse. Pastorale. Traduite de l'Italien en Vers Francois. Edition nouvelle, revue & enrichie des Tailles douces [translation by Abbé de Torches, bilingual texts with Italian facing French]. Suivant la Copie de Paris, A la Haye. Chez Levyn van Dyk. 1681.
- Toutain, Charles Agamemnon, ed., introd. Michel Dassonville, rpt La tragédie à l'époque d'Henri II de de Charles IX, Premiere Serie, I (1550-1561), gen ed. Enea Balmas et Michel Dassonville. Paris: Presses Universitaires, 1985.
Religious Sources
- Rogers, Thomas. A Pretious Booke of Heavenly Meditations: Called A private talke of the Soule with God Which, so so zealously will use and peruse, shall feele in his mind, an unspeakable sweetnesse of the everlasting happiness. Written, as some thinke, by that reverend and religious Father Saint Augustine, and not translated only, but purified also, and with most ample and necessary Sentences of holy Scriptures adorn'd. By THO. ROGERS. Consists of three books, the second, A Right Christian Treatise, Entituled St. Augustins Prayers; and the third Saint Augustine's Manuall. 1640.
Contact: Ellen Moody.
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Page Last Updated 9 January 2003