God who helps us hold onto sanity Padre del Ciel che nostra mente guidi
God who helps us hold onto sanity Padre del Ciel che nostra mente guidi


1512, October (around October 7th, 1512): This is the first line of a sonnet said by Castriota to have been "miraculously" written by VC just after series of incidents over the necklace and drum where Pescara betrayed her with, and she was maliciously tormented by, Isabella di Requescens di Cardona, and when she discovered that he had impregnated a female servant in their house.


Second fragment of poetry cited by CCastriota, FMTordi, p. 497


On this one line Bernardy, p. 22, comments: "Ah, with what bitterness of relief . . . in what tragic kind of resignation that could not be other than [a socially-] accepted desperation, in that that hard experience of love henceforth disillusioned," [Vittoria] must have completed this poem since destroyed...

Previous translations:

Amaro Lagrimar
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 6 January 2003.