Now that you have returned to Paradise Or che sei ritornata, alma felice
Now that you have returned to Paradise
from whence you came, blest soul, look around
gaze at heavenly beauty, slowly taking
in what's not allowed to mortal eyes,

Lisen to our sad sounds, the unhappiness
of our tears and sighs, then grieve for us,
pity us: we grieve because we have lost
our root. Now you are gone, the world's empty

dark, at your departure all that's left is clothed in obscure shadows. Apollo, the Muses
not honored, and the famous bright spirits

who lived in your shade, as in a safe path,
now move, still singing, yet full of bitter
and grief-striken thought, they pass the hours.

Or che sei ritornata, alma felice,
al Ciel, onde partisti, e lieta miri
le superne bellezze, e 'n dolci giri
scorgi ciò che a mortal occhi non lice,

porgi l'orecchie al suon triste e 'nfelice
de le lagrime nostre e dei sospiri;
poi dolerti di noi pietà t'inspiri
se del nostro dolor sei la radice.

Rimaso è al tuo partir il mondo oscuro,
de tenebre vestito, e senza onore
le Muse e Apollo, e i spirti illustri e chiari,

che sotto l'ombra tua qua per sicuro
camin givan cantando, or pien di amari
e dogliosi pensier passano l'ore.


Rizzardi 35:49; Chiapetti 31:51; 1995 Bullock 63:164. For Key see A Note on the Italian texts


One of two on the death of Bembo (on January 18, 1547). Gambara's opening line resembles the first line of Colonna's sonnet on the death of Jacopo Sannzaro, "Poi chè tornata sei, anima bella" (Since you returned home, the blessed haven). Rizzardi provides a paraphrase, p. 89 note for XXXV. For variants,another paraphrase and further comment see 1995 Bullock p. 164n. He also places this just before Riser gli spirti angelici e celesti (The angels and celestial spirits laughed).
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