While your noble vows never ceased to flow | Mentre l'alte promesse a mille a mille |
While your noble vows never ceased to flow, though your flat denials never fooled me nor orgasm's sweet luxurious calm, my sorrow did not outweigh my pleasure. Then the hot sparkling coals began to burn and the sweetness soured, turned bitter, unimportant, desire sickened, ran down my thighs until all I could hope for was the death that was so slow in coming. |
Mentre l'alte promesse a mille a mille con mentita pietà non m'ingannaro furon le fiame mie dolci e tranquille, e 'l dolor e 'l piacer corsero al paro. Crebbero poi sì calde le faville, sommerse il poco dolce il molt'amaro, e sì corse l'infermo mio desio che la speranza col tardar morio. |