EC/ASECS Constitution


Constitution of the EC/ASECS



  1. The purpose of this society is to encourage and advance studies and research in eighteenth-century culture in its broadest sense.
  2. The society carries out its stated aim by promoting an exchange of information and ideas among members of the various disciplines engaged in eighteenth-century studies through interdisciplinary meetings and by any other means it may deem appropriate.


  1. Membership shall be open to any person interested in the purpose of the society. Voting members shall be those who have paid current dues to the executive secretary of the society.
  2. All members who have paid annual dues for the calendar year at least thirty days before the annual meeting shall have full voting rights. Members present at the business meeting may extend voting rights to those who pay dues after the deadline but before the business meeting.



  1. Officers. The society shall have a President, a Vice-President, and an Executive Secretary, no more than two of whom may be from the same discipline.
  2. Executive Board. The governing body of the society shall be the Executive Board, consisting of the officers of the society; the two immediate past presidents; the program chairs or co-chairs of the current, subsequent and two immediate past annual meetings; the editor or editors of the East-Central Intelligencer; and three members to be elected at annual meetings for three-year terms. Elected members may succeed themselves for one additional term. Former officers may be elected to the Executive Board as soon as their term in office is completed. Care shall be exercised in the nomination of officers and members of the Executive Board to maintain a balance among the various schools, subregions and disciplines, and to ensure that at least one member other than the editor(s) of the East-Central Intelligencer has editorial experience. The Executive Board shall determine the policies of the society, direct the Executive Secretary to receive and disburse the monies of the society in a way consistent with its purpose. The policies and actions of the Executive Board shall be subject to the direction and approval of the members of the society, and a full report of its activities during the year shall be submitted to the society at its annual meeting.
  3. Tenure. All officers shall hold office for one year, except the Executive Secretary, who shall serve a three-year term.
  4. Elections. Elections shall be conducted at the annual meeting and shall be by a majority vote of the members in good standing. Nominations shall be made at the annual meetings by a Committee on Nominations consisting of the President (serving as chair) and the two immediate Past Presidents (serving as members), or by any member in good standing who is present at the annual meeting, provided in both cases that that the nominees have agreed to serve if elected. If for any reason an office or a member of the Executive Board should fall vacant before the scheduled election to that position, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall appoint a member of the society to fill the office until the next meeting.
  5. Committees and Appointed Officers. The Executive Board may, at its discretion and for such terms of office as it may decide, appoint standing committees, ad hoc committees, and additional officers. Members of such committees and holders of such appointive offices may be invited to take part in the deliberations of the Executive Board in their own right. The Executive Board shall clearly define the duties of all such standing committees, ad hoc committees, and additional officers, and shall inform the members of the society of their actions through the Newsletter or by any other appropriate means.


  1. Meetings of the Society. There shall be an annual meeting of the society, to be held normally in autumn at a place and specific time to be determined by the Executive Board, at least six weeks' notice of the place and time to be given to all members. Other special meetings of the society may be arranged at the discretion of the Executive Board, but no business affecting the whole membership shall be transacted at such meetings unless four weeks' notice has been given to all members of the society.
  2. Meetings of the Executive Board. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at the call of the President, or in his or her absence, the Vice-President. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be six members. In intervals between meetings of the Executive Board, routine and urgent business of the society may be handled by the President and Executive Secretary subject to later approval by the Executive Board.




Content Last Updated: 8 March 2000