Are you obsessed with a certain couple from TV(or a movie), and have a page dedicated to them? Or are you obsessed with TV(and movie) romances in general, with a page on that?
If you answered "yes" to either question, you've got a Romantic Obsession, and your site may be one for this webring.
A few rules:
1.The page must be either about one couple or several.
2.Boht M/F and slash sites are allowed, but the page should be roughly rated PG.
3.You must put the code on your page(well, DUH!). It can be on a link or webring page, but it does have to be there. YOU WON'T BE ADDED TO THE RING UNTIL I SEE IT.
If you think your site qualifies, then submit it and you'll be added within a reasonable amount of time.
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