Noble soul, you share the proud heritage

Noble soul, you share the proud heritage
of the lion of San Marco whose paws
control seas and earth--alone among us
Venice preserves her ancient liberty

and just law, as Heaven has preserved you
to be a guide, light through this labyrinth
of doubtful steps--in your youth and now your
maturity you show us truth's splendor.

The lovely Metauro, like Petrarch's Sorgues,
look, is milk, its grassy shores emerald
in a bed of golden sand--how happy

the immortal muse of such poetry--
you preserve her loveliness forever--
she who has you cannot envy Laura.

An image of the Italian text from Visconti's 1840 edition
From V LXI:61 ( "Bembo gentile del cui gran nome altero"). See also B E14:210; R CXI:321; MSs F1 (No. 97); CASI, Ve2; 1538/9; 1540-2; 1552-9/60; Rota 1760. A second to Pietro Bembo; he may have responded with "Alta Colonna e ferma alle tempeste" or "Caro e sovran de l'eta nostra onor" (V, pp. 400-1, Toffanin, p. 225). Refer to Asolani or B's lyric poems dedicated to Elisabetta Gonzaga Montrefeltro. {The notes from the bottom of the page go here} Key

Amaro Lagrimar
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 6 January 2003