Brave radiant lady, living apart

Brave radiant lady, living apart
far from the crowd, to me you seem so happy
in your solitude you have left behind
the pain women who do not love men

but God cannot know. Desire comes to an end
at long last on that mountain the crying
stops and you and I are one. If I can
walk in your footsteps, I'll find strength to build

my life anew. Your lonely cave, this cliff,
is my island rock, the sun whose fires
I see warms all gentle souls. When I think

thoughts like these, I feel the world's grip slacken
and am less vile, oh pray for me to God-
- I can only remain free next to you.

An image of the Italian text from Visconti's 1840 edition
From V CXIV:274. See also B S1:121:145; MSs L, V2 (Ve2?); CASI, RA;Valgrisi 122. A first in a series to Mary Magdalene (AB "VC & Minor Lyricists, GSLI 157 (1980), 397-8, it may also be to Del Vasto's wife, Maria d'Aragona d'Avalos (frequently alone, her husband openly unfaithful). Tordi thought the sonnet inspired by Bernardino Ochino (Codice delle rime [L], 32-3, n74; "VC @ Orvieto," Bolletino della Societa Umbra di Storia patria, I (1895) 494. There were many prayer books which pictured the Magdalene living in an isolated cave on a cliff, see Malvern's Venus in Sackcloth, pp. 71-99). Key

Amaro Lagrimar
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated 6 January 2003