From that vast abyss of pure light come away. With eyes lit by a friend's pity, look down upon this sordid swarming world, an anthill of wise men with prized hard hearts; shatter the hidden wall of ignorance, break it into bits: blow the least shadow of Adam's ancient sin away, expel all that is cold, amoral, hostile to-- anything that diminishes--your warm, safe rays. So each reluctant, even each impoverished soul, its clothing a faith unqualified, its inner life feelings shaped by your laws, may pray to Your Shepherd, with wings of love make it to that blest shore. |
An image of the Italian text from Visconti's 1840 edition |
Notes: From V LIV:214. See also B S1:93:131 R XXXI:459;; MSs L, V2, A, CASI, Pr, RA, Ve2; Valgrisi 94. Ruscelli's commentary (p 459ff) places this sonnet in the context of the wars between the Italian city-states, the Pope, Spain, France, and the German emperor. Key |