A Bibliography for Women's Literature
On this page the reader interested in women's studies will find a bibliography of scholarship on women's art and lives, with an emphasis on women writers from the medieval through the 19th century European world. I include works on women in the visual arts, in music, and in film. To make these lists useful and to direct it generally I have divided and arranged the items as follows: 1) modern studies (general: historical, thematic, theoretical); 2) modern dictionaries (biographical and bibliographical, handbooks and companions); 3) anthologies (older as well as more recent); 4) modern studies (on individual women); and 5) primary texts.
Like the other bibliographies on this site, this is a working bibliography because I use it myself and mean to add to it as I go along. I hope eventually to add more 20th century and recent studies of individual women's writing and more about life-writing by women.1 This bibliography began life as a bibliography for students of early modern European women's lives and writing (whence the picture just below). For the following women writers for whom I have made separate sections on my site, I direct the reader to these places for individual bibliographies:
Veronica Gambara,
Vittoria Colonna,
Katherine Philips,
Anne Murray Halkett,
Anne Finch,
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu,
Isabelle de Montolieu,
Sophie Cottin, née Marie Risteau,
Fanny Burney
I also have other bibliographies on this website rich in materials about women writers, e.g.,
A Bibliography of Secondary Studies of Epistolary Literature
A Select Bibliography of Translation Studies
A Bibliography of Film Studies
A list of anthologies of women's poetry
One of the best periodicals on the market for women's studies, and one which includes citations and reviews of the finest books as well as a monthly bibliography is The Women's Review of Books. The reader will also find information and links to further bibliographies of books and recent developments in women's studies on Rose Norman's website, Keep Women in
Print and the University of Maryland's Women's Studies Database

Caterina von Hemessen (1527/8 - ?1566), Portrait of a Lady, 1551
Modern Studies
- Abel, Elizabeth, ed. Writing and Sexual Difference. Brighton: Harvester, 1982.
- Albertine, Susan, ed. A Living of Words: American Women in Print Culture. Knox: University of Tennessee Press, 1995, reviewed by Susan Coultrap and Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 15 (1996), 371-373.
- Anderson, Bonnie S. and Judith P. Zinsser. A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present. 2 volumes. New York: Perennial (Harper and Row), 1989.
- Ardener, Shirley, ed. Perceiving Women. London: Malaby Press, 1975. An anthropological study.
- Auerbach, Nina. Romantic Imprisonment: Women and Other Glorified Outcasts. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
- --------------. Communities of Women: An Idea in Fiction. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1978.
- Badinter, Elisabeth. Mother Love: Myth and Reality. New York: Macmillan, 1981.
- Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex, trans. H. M. Parshley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Benjamin, Jessica. The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination. New York: Pantheon, 1988.
- Benstock, Shari. The Private Self: Theory and Practice of Women's Autobiographical Writings. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
- Berlant, Lauren, "The Female Complaint," Social Text, 19/20 (1998), 237-59.
- Bernikow, Louise. Among Women. New York: Harmony Books, 1980.
- Bordo, Susan. Unbearable Weight. University of California Press, 1993.
- Borzello, Frances. Seeing Ourselves. NY: Harry N Abrams, 1998.
- Brown, L. S. and M. Ballou, edd. Personality and psychopathology, feminist reappraisals. New York: Guilford Press.
- Brown, Lyn Mikel, ed. Womens Studies Quarterly: Women, Girls, and the Culture of Education. Feminist Press of the City University of New York, Volume XIX, Nos 1&2, spring/summer 1991.
- -----------------. Girl Fighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls New York University Press, 2005.
- Brownmiller, Susan. Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape New York: Bantam, 1975.
- Bridenthal, Renate and Claudia Koontz, edd. Becoming Visible: Women in European History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
- Brownstein, Rachel. Becoming a Heroine: Reading About Women in Novels. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
- Bynum, Caroline Walker. Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols. Boston: Beacon, 1986.
- Cartledge, Sue and Joanne Ryan, edd. Sex and Love: New Thoughts on Old Contradictions. London: The Women's Press, 1983.
- Chesler, Phyllis. Women and Madness. New York: Harvest, 1982.
- ----------------. Woman's Inhumanity to Woman. New York: Nation Books, 2001.
- Chicago, Judy. The dinner party : a symbol of our heritage NY: Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1979.
- Chodorow, Nancy. The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
- Cixous, Hélène, "The Laugh of the Medusa," trans. Keith Cohen and Paula Cohen, Signs, 1 (1976), 875-94.
- Delphy, Christine. Close to Home. Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1984.
- ----------------- and Diana Leonard, edd. Familiar Exploitation: A New Analysis of Marriage in Contemporary Western Societies. Polity Pr, 1992.
- Deutsche, Helene. The Psychology of Women. 2 volumes. 1945: reprinted New York: Bantam, 1973. Still influential.
- Didier, Beatrice. L'Écriture femme. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1981.
- Doody, Margaret Anne. The True History of the Novel. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers, 1997.
- Duby, Georges and Michelle Perrot, general editors. A History of Women. Five volumes: 1) From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints, ed. Pauline Schmitt Pantel; 2) Silences of the Middle Ages, ed. Christiane Klapisch-Zuber; 3) Renaissance and Enlightenment Paradoxes, ed. Natalie Zemon Davis and Arlette Farge; 5) Emerging Feminism from Revolution to World War, edd. Geneviève and Michelle Perrot; 5) Toward a Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century, ed. Françoise Théaud. Cambridge and London: Belknap Press of Harvard, 1994.
- Ezell, Margaret. Writing Women's History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1993.
- Fetterly, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.
- Fleenor, Juliann. The Female Gothic. London: Eden Press, 1983.
- Frye, Marilyn. The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory Crossing Press, 1983.
- Gilligan, Carol. Meeting at the Crossroads: Women's Psychology and Girls' Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.
- Greer, Germaine. The Female Eunuch. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
- ---------------. The Obstacle Race: The Fortunes of Women Painters and Their Work. New York: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1979. This is a useful work because it cites the names and dates of many women painters, offers a history of Western European painting from the point of view of professional women, and reproduces many pictures.
- ---------------. The Change: Women, Aging, and the Menopause. New York: Knopf, 1992.
- Guillaumin, Colette. Racism, Sexism, Power and Ideology Routledge, 1995.
- Heilburn, Carolyn. Writing A Woman's Life. New York: Ballantine, 1989.
- ------------------. Reinventing Womanhood NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993.
- Hirsh, Marianne. The Mother/Daughter Plot: Narrative, Psychoanalysis, Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
- Homans, Margaret. Women Writers and Poetic Identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980.
- Jacobus, Mary, ed. Women Writing and Writing About Women. London: Croom Helm, 1980.
- -------------. First things: the maternal imaginary in literature, art and psychoanalysis. New York
and London: Routledge, 1995
- -------------. Reading Woman: Essays in Feminist Criticism. Columbia University Press: 1987.
- Jelinek, The Tradition of Women's Autobiography. Boston: Twayne, 1986.
- Juhasz, Suzanne. Reading from the Heart: Women, Literature, and the Search for True Love. New York: Viking, 1994.
- Kaplan, Cora. Sea Changes: Culture and Feminism. London: Verso, 1986.
- Kauffman, Linda, ed. Gender and Theory: Dialogues on Feminist Criticism.
London: Blackwell, 2002.
- Kimmel, Michael and Amy Aronson, edd. The Gendered Society Reader. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. This anthology includes sections on the biology-gender controversy, cultural
constructions of gender, the psychology of sex roles, the social
construction of gender relations, the gendered family, classroom, workplace,
intimacies, and violence.
- Knelman, Judith. The Murderess and the English Press
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
- Langbauer, Laurie. Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English
Novel Ithaca: Cornell, 1990.
- Lauretis, Teresa de. Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, and Cinema. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1984.
- Lipking, Lawrence. Abandoned Women and the Poetic Tradition. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1988.
- MacKinnon, Catharine. Feminism Unmodified and Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Harvard Univ Press, 1988.
- Marks, Elaine and Isabelle de Courtivron, edd. New French Feminisms: An Anthology. Brighton: Harvester, 1981.
- Marotti, Maria Ornella, ed., introd. Italian Women Writers from the Renaissance to the
Present: Revising the Canon. Penn State Press, 1996.
- McNaron, Toni A. H, ed. The Sister Bond: A Feminist View of a Timeless Connection. Pergamon Press, 1985.
- Miller, Nancy, ed. The Poetics of Gender. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
- ------------------------. Subject to Change: Reading Feminist Writing. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
- Moers, Ellen. Literary Women: The Great Writers. New York: Anchor, 1977.
- Moore, Lisa L. Dangerous Intimacies: Toward a Sapphic History of the British Novel. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
- ---------------- and Sharon Woods, eds. A History of Women's Writing in Italy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
- Malvern, Marjorie. Venus in Sackcloth: The Magdalen's Origins and Metamorphoses. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975.
- Oakley, Ann. Women confined: twoards a sociology of Chldbirth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.
- Nochlin, Linda. Women, Art, and Power: And Other Essays NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1989.
- Petersen, Karen and J. J. Wilson. Women Artists: Recognition and Reappraisal From the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. New York: New York University Press, 1976. Like Greer's The Obstacle Race, this book cites the names and dates for many women artists, describes the conditions under which they worked, and reproduces many pictures.
- Pipher, Mary. Reviving Ophelia : Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. NY: Ballantine Books, 1995.
- Pratt, Annis. Archetypal Patterns in Women's Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.
- Radway, Janice. Reading Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.
- Rich, Adrienne. Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution. New York: Norton, 1976.
- Russ, Joanna. How to Suppress Women's Writing. University of Texas, 1983.
- Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. New York: Columbia University, 1985. This is an important text for those interested in women's literature too.
- Sichtermann, Barbara. Femininity. The Politics of the Personal. Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
- Spacks, Patricia. The Female Imagination New York: Avon, 1975.
- Stanton, Domna. The Female Autograph. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.
- Testaferri, Ada, ed. Donna: Women in Italian Culture. Canada: Dovehouse, 1989.
- Thomas, Chantal. La Vie Reelle des Petites Filles. Paris: Gallimard, 1995.
- ---------------. Souffrir. Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2004.
- ---------------. Coping with Freedom, trans. Andrea Scara. Algora Publishing, 2001).
- Todd, Janet. Women's Friendship in Literature. New York: Columbia, 1980.
- -----------. Gender, art and death. Continuum, 1993.
- Walker, Nancy. A Very Serious Thing: Women's Humor and American Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 1988.
- Warner, Marina. Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and The Cult of the Virgin Mary. New York: Vintage, 1976.
- Watts, Emily Stipes. The Poetry of American Women to 1945. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.
- Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. London: Harvest, 1957.
- ---------------. Three Guineas. London: Harvest, 1966.
Early Modern
- Abate, Corinne, ed. Privacy, Domesticity, and Women in Early Modern England. Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
- Bainton, Roland H. Women of the Reformation in France and Italy and Women of the Reformation in Germany and Italy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971.
- Bainton, Roland. Women of the Reformation in Germany and Italy. 1971; rpt.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1974; Women of the Reformation in France and England.
1973; rpt. Boston: Beacon Press, 1975.
- Baldlauf-Berdes, Jane L. Women Musicians of Venice: Musical Fondations, 1525-1855. Oxford Monographs on Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
- Bassanese, Flora. "Private Lives and Public Lies: Texts by Courtisans of the Italian
Renaissance", Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 30 (1988), pp. 295-319.
- Bleilin, Elaine V. Redeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English Renaissance.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
- Borsetto, Luciana. "Narcisco ed Eco. Figura e scrittura nella lirica femminile del
Cinquecento: esemplificazioni ed appunti", Nel cerchio della luna: figure di donna in
alcuni testi del XVI secolo, ed. Marian Zancan. Venice: Marsilio, 1983, pp. 171-233.
- Chemello, Adriana. "Donna di palazzo, moglie, cortigiana; ruoti e funzioni sociali donna in
alcuni trattati del Cinquecento", La corte e il "Cortigiano", ed. A. Prosperi. rome:
Bulzoni, 1980, pp. 113-132.
- Chemello, Adriana. "Giochi ingegenosi e citazioni dotte: immagini del femminile",
Nuova DWF, 25-26 (1985), pp. 39-56.
- Conti Odorisio, Ginevra. Donna e società nel Seicento Rome: Bulzoni, 1979.
- Cotton, Nancy. Women Playwrights in England, c1363-1750. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1980.
- Davis, Natalie Zemon. Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth
Century Lives.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1995.
- De Blasi, Jolanda. Le scrittrici italiana dall origini a 1800. Florence: Nemi,
- Dronke, Peter. Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Tests from Perpetua )ca 203) to Marguerite Porete (c1310).. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
- Febre, Lucien. Au Coeur Religieux du XVIe siecle Paris, 1983.
- Fenster, Thelma S, ed. Arthurian Women. New York: Routledge, 1996.
- Ferguson, Margaret W. and Marueen Quilligan and Nancy J. Vickers, edd. Rewriting the Renaissance. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1996.
- Feugère, M. Leon. Les Femmes Poètes au XVI siècle.
Paris, 1860.
- Frye, Susan and Karen Robertson, edd. Maids and Mistresses: Women's Alliances in Early Modern England. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Gies, Frances and Joseph. Women in the Middle Ages. New Jersey: Barnes and Noble, 1978.
- Goldberg, Jonathan. Desiring Women Writing : English Renaissance Examples.
Stanford: Standford University Press, 1977; reviewed by Elizabeth Hageman in
Renaissance Quarterly, 55:1 (2003), 2929-231.
- Hackett, Helen. Women and Romance Fiction in the English Renaissance. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
- Hannay, Margaret, ed. Silent But for the Word: Tudor Women as Patrons, Translators
and Writers of Religious Works. Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1985.
- Haselkorn, Anne M. and Betty S. Travitsky, edd. The Renaissance Englishwoman in
Print: Counterbalancing the Canon. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press,
- Hogrefe, Pearl. Women of action in Tudor England : nine biographical sketches. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1977.
- --------------. Tudor Women: Commoners and Queens Ames: Iowa State Pr, 1975.
- Hosington, Brenda M. "Review-Essay: Voices Unfettered: Recent Writings on and by Early Modern Englishwomen," Renaissance Quarterly, 56:2(2003), 436-48.
- Hull, Suzanne. Chaste, Silent & Obedient: English Books for Women, 1475-
1640. California: The Huntington Library, 1982.
- Jones, Ann Rosalind. The Currency of Eros: Women's
Love Lyric in Europe, 1540-1620. Bloomington and
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990.
- King, Margaret L. Women of the Renaissance. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1991.
- Kirshner, Julius and Suzanne F. Wemple, edd. Women of the Medieval World. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.
- Klapish-Zuber, Christiane. Women, Family, and Ritual in
Renaissance Italy, trans. L. Cochrane. Chicago: Chicago
University Press, 1988.
- Klein, Joan Larsen Klein. Daughters, Wives and Widows: Writings by Men about
and Marriage in England, 1500-1640 University of Illinois, 1992.
- Kolsky, Stephen. "Culture and Politics in Renaissance Rome: Marco
Antonio Altieri's Roman Weddings," Renaissance Quarterly, 40
(1987), 49-90.
- Krontiris, Tina. Oppositional Voices: Women as Writers and Translators of Literature
in the English Renaissance. London: Routledge, 1992.
- LaBalme, Patricia. Beyond Their Sex: Learned Women of the Past New York
University, 1984.
- Lawner, Lynne. Lives of the Courtesans. New York: Rizzoli, 1987.
- Masson, Georgina. The Courtesans of the Italian Renaissance. London: Secker and Warburg, 1975.
- McGrath, Lynette. Subjectivity and Women's Poetry in Early Modern England: "Why on the ridge should she desire to go?". Aldershot, Vermont: Ashgate, 2002.
- Mendelson, Sara and Patricia Crawford. Women in Early Modern England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Mendelson, Sara Heller. The Mental World of Stuart Women. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1987.
- Migiel, M and J. Schiesari, edd. Refiguring Women: Perspectives and Identity and the
Italian Renaissance. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.
- Newcomb, Anthony. "Courtesans, Muses, or Musicians", Women Making Music,
ed. Jane Bowers and Judith Tick. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 90-115.
- Panizza, Letizia, ed. Women in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society .
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Philippy, Patricia. Women, Death and Literature in Post-Reformation England. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP 2002.
- Prior, Mary. Women in English Society, 1500-1800. London: Methuen, 1985.
- Russell, Rinaldina. "Intenzionalità artistica della 'disperata'", Generi Poetici Medievali:
Modelli e funzioni letterarie. Naples: SEN, 1982, pp. 163-182.
- Schiersari, Juliana. The Gendering of Melancholia: Feminism,
Psychoanalysis, and the Symbolics of Loss in Renaissance
Literature. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
- Schleiner, Louise. Tudor and Stuart Women Writers (with verse translations from Latin by Connie McQuillen, from Greek by Lynn E. Roller. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
- Smith, Hilda. Reason's Disciples: Seventeenth Century English Feminists. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982.
- Spender, Dale, ed. Living by the Pen: Early British Women Writers. New York:
Teachers College, 1982.
- Summit, Jennifer. Lost Property: the Woman Writer and English Literary History, 1380-1589. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
- Tessari, Roberto. "Sotto il segno di Giano: La Commedia del'arte di Isabella e di Francesco
Andreini", The Commedia dell'arte from the Renaissance to Dario Fo, ed. C. Cairns.
Lewiston: Queenstown, Edwin Mellen Press, 1989.
- Warnke, Retha W. Women of the English Renaissance and
Reformation. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1983.
- Wend, Petra. The Female Voice: Lyrical Expression in the Writings of Five Italian Renaissance Poets. Bern: Peter Lang, 1995. Although Wend focuses on the poetry of Vittoria Colonna, Veronica Franco, Tullia d'Aragona, Chiara Matraini, and Gaspara Stampa, a number of other Italian Renaissance women poets are mentioned and the book is useful as an examination of the tropes and attitudes of women's poetry in this period.
- Wilson, Violet A. Society Women in Shakespeare's Time. 1924: reprinted Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1970.
- Woodbridge, Linda. Women and the English Renaissance: Literature and the Nature of Womankind, 1540-1620. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1976.
- Zarri, Gabriella, ed. Per lettera: Le scrittura epistolare femminile tra archivio e tipografia secoli XV - XVII, a cura di Gabriella Zarri. Roma: Viella, Libreria editrice, 1999.
- Abensour, Leon. La Femme et le feminisme avant la revolution. Paris: Leroux, 1928.
- Adickes, Sandra. The Social Quest: The Expanded Vision of Four Women Travelers
in the Era of the French Revolution. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.
- Alliston, April. Virtue's Fault: Correspondences in Eighteenth-Century English and French Women's Fiction. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
- Anderson, Misty. Female Playwrights and Eighteenth Century Comedy: Negotiating Marriage on the London Stage. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2002.
- Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Auerbach, Nina. Our Vampires, Ourselves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
- Backer, Dorothy Anne Liot. Precious Women. New York: Basic Books, 1974.
- Ballaster, Ros. Seductive Forms: Women's Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740.
Oxford: Clarendon, 1992.
- Eve Tavor Bannet,Eve Tavor. The Domestic Revolution: Enlightenment Feminisms and the Novel. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
- Beasley, Faith E. Revising Memory: Women's Fiction and Memoirs in Seventeenth
Century France . 1990
- Bohls, Elizabeth A. Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthetics, 1716-
1818. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
- Bonnel, Roland and Catherine, ed. Femmes Savantes et Femmes D'Esprits. New York: Peter Lang, 1997.
- Bowers, Toni. The Politics of Motherhood: British Writing and culture, 1680-1760. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
- Butler, Marilyn. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1987.
- Cholakian, Patrica Francis. Women and the Politics of Self-Representation in
Seventeenth-Century France. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Press, 2000.
- Clark, Alice. Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century. 1919; reprinted London: Routledge, 1982.
- Cohen, Margaret. The Sentimental Education of the Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990.
- Cott, Nancy. The Bonds of Womanhood: "Women's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835. New Haven: Yale, 1977.
- Craciun, Adiana. Fatal women of Romanticism. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- Craciun, Adriana and Kari Lokke. Rebellious Hearts: British Women Writers and
the French Revolution. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.
- De Jean, Joan. Tender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the Novel in
France. Columbia University, 1991.
- Donovan, Josephine. Women and the Rise of the Novel. New York: St Martin's Press, 1999.
- Eger, Elizabeth, Charlotte Grant, Cliona O Gallchoir and Penny Warburton, edd. Women, Writing and the Public Sphere, 1700-1830. Cambridge: At the University Press, 2001.
- Fauchery, Pierre. Destinée feminine dans le roman europeen du dix-huitieme siecle. Paris: Armand Colin, 2003.
- Favrett, Mary. Romantic Correspondence: Women, politics, and the fiction of letters. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1993.
- Feldman, Paula and Theresa Kelley, edd. Romantic Women Writers: Voices and
Countervoices Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1995.
- Figes, Eva. Sex and Subterfuge: Women Writers to 1850. New York: Persea, 1982.
- Frazer, Antonia. The Weaker Vessel. New York: Knopf, 1984.
- Faucher, Pierre. La Destiné Féminine dans le Roman Européen du Dix-Huitième Siècle. Paris: Armand Colin, 1972.
- French, Loreley. German Women as Letter Writers, 1720-1850. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickenson University, 1996.
- Gallagher, Catherine. Nobody's story : The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820. Berkeley: University of California, 1994.
- Gelfand, Elissa. Imagination in Confinement: Women's Writings from French Prisons. 1983.
- Goldsmith, Elizabeth, ed. Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary
Literature. Boston: Northeastern Univ Pr, 1989.
- -----------------------. Publishing Women's Life Stories in France, 1647-1720: From
Voice to Print. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
- ----------------------- and Dena Goodman, edd. Going Public: Women and Publishing in Early France. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995.
- Goodman, Dena. A Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment. Ithaca: Cornell, 1994.
- Greenberg, Susan. C. Mothering Daughters: Novels and the Politics of Family Romance. Frances Burney to Jane Austen. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2002. This book includes sections on the fiction of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft, Maria Edgeworth and Amelia Opie.
- Guest, Harriet. Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
- Gutwirth, Madelyn. Twilight of the Goddesses: Women and Representation in the French Revolutionary Era. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers, 1992.
- Hesse, Carla. The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. Includes long detailed useful bibliography of French women.
- Howells, Coral Ann. Love, Mystery and Misery: Feeling in Gothic Fiction. London: Athlone, 1978.
- Hoeveler, Diane Long. Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontes. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania University Press, 1998.
- Howe, Elizabeth. The First English Actresses: Women and Drama, 1660-1700. Cambridge, 1992)
- Hufstader, Alice Anderson. Sisters of the Quill. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co, 1978.
- Jensen, Katharine Anne. Writing, Women, and the the Novel in France: 1605-1776. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1995.
- Johnson, Claudia. Women, Politics and the Novel. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988).
- Jones, Vivien. Women in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge, 1990.
- Kauffman, Linda S. Discourses of Desire: Gender, Genre and Epistolary Fictions. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986.
- Keane, Angela. Women writers and the English nation in the 1790s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
- Kelso, Ruth. Doctrine for the Lady of the Renaissance 1956; reprinted
University of Illinois, 1987.
- Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing and Revolution 1790-1827. Oxford: Clarendon,
- Keener, Frederick M. and Susan E. Lorsch,ed. Eighteenth-Century Women and the Arts New York: Greenwood Press, 1996.
- Landes, Joan. Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the Enlightenment. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.
- Landry, Donna. Muses of Resistance: Laboring-Class Women's Poetry in Britain, 1739-1796. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
- Lang-Peralta, ed. Women, Revolution and the Novels of the 1790s.. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press, 1999.
- Lee, Vera. The Reign of Women In Eighteenth Century France. Cambridge, Mass: Schenckman, 1976.
- Linkin, Harriet Kramer and Stephen C. Behrendt, edd. Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Doors of Reception. Louisville: University of Kentucky Press, 1999.
- Looser, Devoney. British Women Writers and the Writing of History, 1670-1820. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
- MacArthur, Elizabeth. Extravagant Narratives: Closure and Dynamics in the Epistolary Form. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990.
- MacCarthy, B. G. The Female Pen: Women Writers and Novelists, 1621-1818,
with a Preface by Janet Todd. 1946; reprinted New York University Press, 1994.
- Macqueen-Pope, W. Ladies First: The Story of Women's Conquest of the Stage. London: W. H. Allen, 1952.
- Mellor, Anne K, ed. Romanticism and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.
- --------------. Romanticism and Gender. New York : Routledge, 1993.
- --------------. Mothers of the nation : women's political writing in England, 1780-1830. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2000.
- Miller, Nancy. The Heroine's Text: Readings in the French and English Novel, 1722-1782. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
- Montfort, Catherine R., ed. Literate Women and the French Revolution of 1789. Birmingham: Summa Publications, 1994.
- Monte, Rebecca d' and Nicole Pohl,ed. Female Communities, 1600-1800: Literary Visions and Cultural Realities New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
- Moscucci, Ornella. The Science of Woman : Gynaecology and Gender in England, 1800-1929. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1993.
- Mullan, David George, ed. Women's Life Writing in Early Modern Scotland: Writing the Evangelical Self, 1670-1730. Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
- Perry, Ruth. Women, Letters and the Novel. New York: AMS Press, 1980.
- Pieretti, Marie-Pascale, "Women Writers and Translation in 18th-century France," Ph.D. Diss. New York University, 1998.
- Pinch, Adela. Strange Fits of Passion: Epistemologies of Emotion, Hume to Austen. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
- Pohl, Nicole and Betty Schellenberg. Reconsidering the Bluestockings. California: Huntington Library, 2003.
- Poovey, Mary. Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.
- Quennell, Peter, ed. Affairs of the Mind: The Salon in Europe and American from the 18th to the 20th Century. Washington D. C.: New Republic Books, 1980.
- Rizzo, Betty. Companions Without Vows: Relationships among Eighteenth-Century Women. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1995, reviewed by Julia Douthwaite in The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, NS 20/21 (1994/95), 263-64.
- Ross, Deborah. The Excellence of Falsehood: Romance, Realism, and Women's Contribution to the Novel. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1991.
- Rosslyn, Wendy, ed. Women and Gender in 18th Century Russia. Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
- Schiebinger, Linda. The Mind Has No Sex?: Women in the Origins of Modern Science. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1991.
- Schofield, Maryann and Cecilia Macheski, edd. Fetter'd or Free?: British Women Novelists, 1670-1815. Ohio University Press, 1986.
- Shteir, Ann B. Cultivating Women, Cultivating Science: Flora's Daughters and
Botany in England 1760 to 1860. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
- Silver, Marie-France and Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski, eds. Femmes en toutes lettres: Les épistolières du XVIIIe siècle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2000.
- Sol, Antoinette Marie, Textual Promiscuities: Eighteenth-Century Critical Rewriting Lewisburg: Bucknell, 2002.
- Sonnet, Martine. Les éducation des filles au temps des Lumières. Paris: CERF, 1987.
- Spencer, Jane. The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.
- Spencer, Samia, ed. French Women and the Age of the Enlightenment. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984.
- Spender, Dale. Mothers of the Novel. London: Pandora, 1986.
- Stewart, Joan. Gynographs: French Novels by Women of the Late Eighteenth Century. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.
- Strage, Mark. Women of Power: The Life and Times of Catherine de' Medici.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1976.
- Striedter, Ann K, "Women Writers and the Epistolary Novel: Gender, Genre and Ideology in Eighteenth Century Fiction," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California., San Diego, 1993.
- Tompkins, J. M. S. The Popular Novel in England, 1770-1800. 1932; reprinted London: Methuen, 1969.
- -----------. The Sign of Angellica: Women, Writing and Fiction, 1660-1800. New York: Columbia, 1992.
- Troost, Linda, ed. Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in Their Lives, Work and Culture. Volume 2. New York: AMS Press, 2002.
- Trouille, Mary Seidman. Sexual Politics in the Enlightenment: Women Writers Read Rousseau. New York: State University of New York Press, 1997.
- Turner, Cheryl. Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Routledge, 1992.
- Ty, Eleanor. Unsex'd Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists of the 1790s
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
- Vickery, Amanda. The Gentleman's Daughter: Women's Lives in Georgian England. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
- Watson, Nicola. Revolution and the Form of the British Novel, 1790-1825: Intercepted letters, Interrupted Seductions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
- Wilson, Adrian. The Making of man-midwifery: childbirth in England, 1660-1770 London: Belknap Pr: 1995.
- Wilson, Carol Shiner and Joal Haefner, edd. Re-Visioning Romanticism: British
Women Writers, 1776-1837. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.
After 1830
- Auerbach, Nina. Women and the Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth. Boston: Harvard, 1982.
- Basinger, Jeanine. A Woman's View: How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960 New York: Knopf, 1993.
- Bell, E., La. Mass and L. Sells, edd. From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender and Culture Bloomington: U of Indiana Press, 1995
- Bono, P and S. Kemp. Italian Feminism. 1990.
- Botson, Lisa, Meredith Goldsmith, Joan Rubin, edd. Middlebrow Moderns: Popular American Women Writers of the 1920s. Northeastern University Press, June 2003.
- Bowman, Constance and Clara Marie Allen. Slacks and Calluses: Our
Summer in a Bomber Factory. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian
Institution Press, 1999.
- Brown, Sarah Annes. Devoted Sisters: Representations of the Sister Relationship in Nineteenth-Century British and American Literature. Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
- Brown, Lyn Mikel. Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls. New York University Press, 2003.
- Brumberg, J.J. Fasting girls: The emergence of anorexia nervosa as a modern disease. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988.
- Byatt, A. S. and Irnès Sodré, Imagining Characters: Six Conversations about Women Writers: Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Willa Cather, Iris Murdoch, and Toni Morrison. New York: Vintage, 1997.
- Chadwick, Whitney. Women artists and the surrealist movement. NY: Little, Brown, 1985.
- Chapman, Alison, edd. Victorian Women Poets. The
English Association's annual series Essays and Studies.
Boydell and Brewer, 2003.
- Colby, Vineta. The Singular Anomaly: Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. New York and London: New York University, 1970.
- --------------. Yesterday's Woman: Domestic Realism in the English Novel Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974.
- Cott, Nancy. Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation. Harvard UP,
- DeLamotte, Eugenia L. Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-century Gothic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
- DeVault, Marjorie. Feeding the Family: The Social Organization of Caring as Gendered Work. University of Chicago Press, 1991.
- DuBois, Ellen Carol, GP Kelly, EL Kennedy, CW Korsmeyer, LS Robinson, edd. Feminist Scholarship, Kindling in the Goves of Academe. University of
Chicago Press, 1987.
- Felski, Rita. Literature After Feminism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
- Fineman, Martha and Martha T. McCluskey, edd. Feminism, Media and the
Law. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997.
- Flint, Kate. The Woman Reader, 1837-1914. Cambridge: Clarendon Press, 1993.
- Foster, Shirley. Victorian Women's Fiction: Marriage, Freedom and the Individual. Croom Helm, 1985.
- Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
- Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. New York: Dell, 1963.
- Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth Century Imagination. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.
- Gordon, Linda. Pitied But Not Entitled: Single Mothers and the History of Welfare. New York: The Free Press, 1994.
- Hardwick, Elizabeth. Seduction and Betrayal: Women and Literature. New York: Vintage, 1970.
- Harrison, Michelle. Woman in Residence: A Physician's Account of Her Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York: Random House, 1982.
- Holcombe, Lee. Wives and Property: Reform of the Married Women's Property Law in Nineteenth Century England. Toronto: Univeristy of Toronto Press, 1983.
- Hughes, Kathryn. The Victorian Governess. London: Hambledon, 1993.
- Humm, Maggie, ed, introd. Modern Feminisms, Political, Literary, Cultural. Columbia UP, 1992.
- Kaplan, Giselda. Contemporary Western European Feminism
New York: Nychthemeron Press, 1992.
- Kauffman, Linda S. Bad Girls and Sick Boys: Fantasies in
Contemporary Culture. University of California Press, 1998.
- Kepel, Gilles. Allah in the West Stanford University Press, 1997. This book has an analysis of the headscarf "issue" in France.
- Michelle R. Kimball and Barbara R. von Schlegell. Muslim Women Throughout the World. Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner Publishers,. 1997. This book appears to be a reference guide; it has a subject index with entries for individual European countries.
- Kowalski, Rosemary Ribich. Women and Film: A Bibliography. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1976.
- Kranidis, Rita S. The Victorian Spinster and Colonial Emigration: Contested Subjects London: St. Martins Press, 1999.
- ----------------, ed. Imperial Objects: Essays on Victorian Women's Emigration and the Unauthorized Imperial Experience Boson, Twayne, 1998.
- Kunzel, Regina. Fallen Women, Problem Girls: Unmarried Mothers and Professionalization of Social Work, 1890-1945 New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993.
- Lawrence, Amy. Echo and Narcissus: Women's Voices in Classical Hollywood Cinema. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
- Lazzaro-Weis, Carol. From Margins to Mainstream: Feminism and Fictional Modes in Italian Women's Writing, 1968-1990. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993.
- Light, Alison. Forever England: Femininity, Literature and Conservatism between the Wars. London: Routledge, 1991.
- Long, Elizabeth. Book Clubs: Women and the Uses of Reading in Everyday Life. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2003.
- Lupack, Barbara Tepa, ed. Nineteenth Century Women at the Movies: Adapting Classic Women's Fiction to Film. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1999.
- Margolis, Harriet, ed. Jane Campion's The Piano. Cambridge: Cambridge Film Handbook, 2000.
- May, Leila S. Disorderly Sisters: Sibling Relations and Sororal Desire in Nineteenth-
Century British Literature. Bucknell UP, 2001.
- Mellencamp, Patricia. A Fine Romance: Five Ages of Film Feminism. Philadelphia: Temple University, 1995.
- Mermin, Dorothy. Godiva's Ride: Women of Letters in England, 1830-1880. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.
- Meyers, Marian. News Coverage of Violence Against Women. Thousand Oaks,
Sage 1997.
- Mitchell, Sally. The New Girl: Girls' Culture in England, 1880-1915. Columbia University Press, 1995.
- Moody, Nickianne, and Julia Hallam, edd. Medical Fictions Liverpool: Media Critical and Liberal Arts, Liverpool John Moores University and the Association for Research in Popular Fictions, 1998.
- Munro, Eleanor. Originals: American Women Artists. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1979.
- Murcott, A. "Menus, meals and platefuls:
Observations on advice about diet in pregnancy," The
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy,
2:4 (1982): 1-11.
- ----------.Murcott, A. (1988). "On the altered appetites of
pregnancy: Conceptions of food, body and person," Sociological Review, 36:4 (1988): 733-764.
- Murphy, E. "Breast is best: Infant feeding
decisions and maternal deviance," Sociology of Health
and Illness, 21:2 (1999): 187-208.
- Parsons, Deborah. Streetwalking the Metropolis: Women, the City, and Modernity. Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Prochaska, F. K. Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth Century England. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980.
- Rapping, Elaine. The Culture of Recovery: Making Sense of the Self-Help Movement in Women's Lives. Boston: Beacon Press, 1996.
- Roald, Anne Sofie. Women in Islam: The Western Experience.. London: Routledge, 2001.
- Robinson, Solveig, ed. A Serious Occupation: Literary Criticism by Victorian Women
Writers. Broadview, 2003.
- Rose, Phyllis. Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages. New York: Knopf, 1983. This one has been overrated. It's not particularly woman-centered (she doesn't write out of a woman's point of view) and is based on shallow research. I cite it because it's often cited.
- Showalter, Elaine. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Writers from Bronte to Lessing. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
- -----------------. The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture, 1830-1980. London: Pantheon, 1986.
- -----------------. Sexual Anarchy: Gender and Culture at the Fin de Siècle. New York: Viking, 1990.
- -----------------. Sister's Choice: Tradition and Change in American Women's Writing. Oxford: Clarendon Press, l991. An analysis of women's writing in nineteenth century America (Showalter has an interesting analysis of metaphors and perceptions got at through sewing as an activity and its products).
- -----------------. Inventing Herself: Claiming a Feminist Inellectual Heritage. New York: Scribner, 2001.
- Silverman, Kaja. The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.
- Smith, Patricia Juliana. Lesbian Panic -- Homoeroticism in Modern British Women's Fiction. New York: Columbia University, 1977.
- Springer, Marlene, ed. What Manner of Woman. New York: New York University, 1977.
- Squier, Susan Merrill, ed. Women Writers and the City: Essays in Feminist Criticism. Knoxville: University Of Tennessee Press, 1984.
- Strange, Julie-Marie, "Menstrual fictions: languages of
medicine and mentruation, c. 1850-1930," Women's
History Review, 9/3 (2000): 607-628.
- Sturken, Marita. Thelma & Louise. London: British Film Institute, 2000.
- Swinth, Kirsten. Painting Professionals: Women Artists and the Development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930. Gender
and American Culture Series. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.
- Tate, Claudia. Domestic Allegories of Political Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the Turn of the Century. Oxford University Press, 1993.
- -------------, ed. Black Women Writers At Work. Continuum Pub Group, 1984. Interviews with current writers.
- Tims, Hilton. Emotion Pictures: The Women's Picture, 1930-55 London: Columbus Books, 1987.
- Tuchman, Gaye and Nina E. Fortin. Edging Women Out:
Victorian Novelists, Publishers and Social Change. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1989.
- Umanski, Laurie. Bad Mothers: The Politics of Blame in Twentieth-Century America. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
- Vicinus, Martha, ed. Suffer and be Still: Women in the Victorian Age.
London: Macmillan, 1972.
- Wink, Amy L. She Left Nothing in Particular: The
Autobiographical Legacy of Nineteenth-Century Women's
Diaries. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2001.
- Yaeger, Patricia. Dirt and Desire: Reconstructing Southern Women's Writing, 1930-1990. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 200.
- Yeazell, Ruth Bernard. Fictions of Modesty: Women and Courtshipin the English Novel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984..
Dictionaries: Biographical and Bibliographical
- Ballard, George. Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, ed. introd. Ruth Perry. 1752; reprinted Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1982.
- Blain, Virginia, Isabel Grundy, Patricia Clements, edd. The Feminist Companion to Literature. Yale: Yale University Press, 1990.
- Carpenter, Lynette and Wendy Kolmar. Ghost Stories by British & American Women: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Garland Reference Series, Libraries of the Humanities, 1998.
- Kanner, Barbara. Women in Context: Two Hundred Years of British Women
Autobiographers G. K. Hall, 1997 A reference guide as well as reader.
- McHenry, Robert, ed. Liberty's Women. Sprigfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1980. This little known book is thick with solidly informative biographies of American women writers.
- Pacheo, Anita, ed. A Companion to Early Modern Women WritingK. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2002.
- Russell, Rinaldina, ed. Italian Women Writers: A Bio-Bilbiographical
Sourcebook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. This includes important and
informative essays and bibliographies on: Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj, Sibilla Aleramo, Isabella
Andreini, Tullia d'Aragona, Anna Banti, Laura Battiferri Ammannati, Luisa Bergalli, Caterina da
Siena, Laura Cerata, Fausta Cialente, Vittoria Colonna, Contessa Lara, Alba de Céspedes,
Grazia Deledda, Cassandra Fedele, Moderata Fonte, Veronica Franco, Veronica Gàmbara,
Natalia Ginzburg, Amalia Guglielminetti, Margherita Giudacci, Armanda Guiducci, Gina Lagorio,
Alessandra Machinghi Storzzi, Gianna Manzini, Dacia Maraini, Faustina Maratti Zappi, Lucrezia
Marinella, Chiara Matraini, Maria Messina, Elsa Morante, Olympia Morata, Isabella di Morra,
Neera, Ada Negri, Guilia Niccolai, Isotta Nogarola, Caterina Percoto, Antonia Pozzi, Antonia
Pulci, Rosa Rosà, Amelia Rosselli, Suor Maria Clemente Ruoti, Diodata Saluzzo Roero, Matilde
Serao, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Gaspara Stampa, Suor Arcangela Tarabotti, Lucrezia Tornabuoni,
Annie Vivanti.
- Sartori, Eva Martin and Dorothy Zimmerman, edd. French Women Writers: A Bio-
Bibliographical Source Book. New York: Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1991.
Includes Marie d'Agoult, Marie Catherine, Comtesse d'Aulnoy, Simone de Beauvoir, Isabelle de
Charriere, Chistine de Pisan, Sophie Octtin, Marceline Desbordes- Valmore, Marie, Marquise du
Deffand, Pernette du Guillet, Marguerite Duras, Setphenaie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis, Marie
de Gourneay, Francois de Graffigny, Louise Labe, Marie-Madeleine, Comtesse de Lafayette,
Julie de Lespinasse, Marguerite de Navarre, Marie de France, Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni, George
Sand, Madeleine de Scudery,, Marie, Marqrquise de Seigne, Germane de Stael, Claudine-
Alexandrine de Tencin, Marie-Catherine Desjardins de Villedieu, Margerite Yourcenar.
- Shattock, Joanne, ed. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Todd, Janet, ed. British Women Writers: A Critical Reference Guide. New York: Continuum, 1989.
- ---------------. A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800. London: Methuen, 1987.
- Adcock, Fleur, ed. The Faber Book of 20th Century Women's Poetry. London: Faber and Faber, 1987.
- Allen, Beverly, Muriel Kittel and Keala Jane Jewell, edd. The Defiant Muse: Italian Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology. New York: Feminist Press, 1986.
- Barnstone, Aliki and Willis. edd. A Book of Women Poets from Antiquity to New. New York: Schocken, 1980.
- Bernikow, Louise, ed. The World Split Open: Four Centuries of Women Poets in England and America, 1552-1950. New York: Vintage, 1974.
- Bethune, George W., ed. Pearls from the British Female Poets New York, 1876.
- Blum, Cinzia Sartini and Lara Trubowitz, edd. Contemporary Ilatian Women Poets: A Bilinguial Anthology. New York: Italica Press, 2001.
- Bogan, Meg, ed., trans. Women Troubadours. New York: Paddington Press, 1976.
- Breen, Jennifer, ed. Women Romantic Poets, 1785-1832.. London: Everyman, 1992.
- Cocalis, Susan L., ed, introd. The Defiant Muse: German Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology. New York: Feminist Press, 1986.
- Colman, George and Thornton Bonnell. Poems by Eminent Ladies. 1755.
- Cosman, Carol,Joan Keefe and Kathleen Weaver, edd. The Penguin Book of Women Poets. New York: Penguin, 1978.
- Costa-Zalessow, Natalie, ed. Scrittrici italiane dal XIII al XX secolo: testi et critica. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1982.
- Dyce, Alexander. Specimens of British Poetesses. London: 1829. Reprinted many times.
- Feldman, Paula R., ed. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1997.
- Flora, Francesco, ed. Gaspara Stampa e altre poetesse del 500. Milan, 1962. Contains poems by Gaspara Stampa, Veronica Gambara, Vittoria Colonna, Tullia d'Aragona, Isabelle de Morra, Veronica Franco, Chiari Matraini, Barbara Torelli.
- Flores, Angel and Kate Flores, edd. The Defiant Muse: Hispanic Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology. New York: Feminist Press, 1986.
- Franklin, Caroline, ed. The Romantics: Women Poets, 1770-1830. 12 vols. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- Fullard, Joyce, ed. British Women Poets 1660-1800: An Anthology. Troy: New York, 1990.
- Greer, Germaine, ed. Kissing the Rod: An Anthology of Seventeeth-Century Women's
Verse. New York: Noonday, 1988.
- Guerinni, Olino, ed. Rime di Tre Gentildonne del Secolo XVI. Milan, 1882. Contains poems by Vittoria Colonna, Gaspara Stampa, and Veronica Gambara.
- Higgonet, Marget, ed. British Women Poets of the 19th Century. New York: Meridian, 1996.
- Howe, Florence and Ellen Bass, edd. No More Masks: An Anthology of Poems by Women. New York: Anchor, 1973.
- Kaplan, Cora, ed. Salt and Bitter and Good: Three Centuries of English and American Women Poets. London: Paddington Press, 1975.
- Leighton, Angela and Margaret Reyndolds, edd. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. UK: Blackwell, 1995.
- Lonsdale, Roger, ed. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
- Moulin, Jeanine, ed. La Poésie Féminine Française.. 2 Vols. Paris: Seghers, 1966. Vol I: du XIIe siècle au XIX siècle. Vol II: Epoque Moderne.
- Mulford, Wendy, ed. The Virago Book of Love Poetry. London: Virago, 1993.
- Robertson, Eric, ed. English Poetesses. London, 1883.
- Rowton, Frederic, ed. The Female Poets of Great Britain, ed. introd. Marilyn Williamson. 1853; reprinted Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1981.
- Stanford, Ann, ed. The Women Poets in English. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. This is the best general anthology for women's poetry in English from Anglo-Saxon times to the present that I know of.
- Stanton, Domna C, ed. The Defiant Muse: French Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology. New York: Feminist Press, 1986.
- Stewart, Meum and Clifford Bax, compilers. The Distaff Muse. London: Hollis & Carter, 1949.
- Stortoni, Laura Anna, ed. Women Poets of the Italian Renaissance, trans. Laura Anna Stortoni and Mary Prentice Lille. New York: Italica Press, 1997.
- Toffanin, Giuseppe. Le Più Belle Pagine degli Scrittori Italiani. Milano, 1935. Contains poetry by Gaspara Stampa, Vittoria Colonna, Veronica Gambara, and Isabella de Morra.
- Uphaus, Robert W. and Gretchen Foster, edd. The "Other" Eighteenth Century: English Women of Letters, 1660-1800. East Lansing: Colleagues Press, 1991.
- Warnke, Frank J., ed. trans. Three Women Poets: Louise Labé, Gaspara Stampa, and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1987.
- Wu, Duncan. Romantic Women Poets: An Anthology Cambridge: At the University Press, 1996.
- Backscheider, Paula R, John Richetti, edd. Popular Fiction by Women, 1660-1730: An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Barros, Carolyn and Johanna Smith, edd. Life-Writing by British Women, 1660-1815. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000.
- Bendixen, Alfred, ed. Haunted Women. New York, 1985
- Bloomfield, Andrea and Sally Mitchell, edd. Prose by Victorian Women : An Anthology. Garland Publishing, 1995.
- Dalby, Richard, ed. The Virago Book of Ghost Stories & The Virago Book of Victorian Ghost Stories. London and New York: Virago, 1987/8.
- Daybell, James, ed. Early Modern Women's Letter Writing, 1450-1700. New York: Palgrave/St Martin's Press, 2001.
- Graham, Elspeth, Hilary Hinds, Elaine Hoby, and Helen Wilcox, edd. Her Own Life: Autobiographical Writings by seventeenth-century Englishwomen. New York and London: Routledge, 1989.
- Haining, Peter, ed. Gentlewomen of Evil and A Circle of Witches. London (?), 1969/71.
- Jump, Harriet Devine, ed. Nineteenth-Century Short Stories by Women: A Routledge Anthology. New Jersey: Routledge, 1998. A fat book.
- Kenyon, Olga, ed. 800 Years of Women's Letters. New York: Penguin, 1992.
- Lundie, C. A., ed. Restless Spirits: Ghost Stories by American Women, 1872-1926. University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.
- Manley, Seon and Gogo Lewis, ed. Ladies of the Gothic: Tales of Romance and Terror; Ladies of Horror, Sisters of Sorcery, and Ghostly Gentlewomen .New York: William and Morrow, 1971-77.
- Muller,Marcia and Bill Pronzini, edd. Witch's Brew. London (?), 1984.
- Salmonson, Jessica, ed. What Did Miss Darrington See?: Feminist Supernatural Stories. New York: The Feminist Press, 1989.
- Stevenson, Glennis, ed. Nineteenth-Century Stories by Women. Toronto: Broadview Pres, 1994.. Includes several ghost stories, including Alcott's "A Whisper in the Dark" and Vernon Lee's "Dionea." Another fat book.
- Womens Speaking Justified, introd. David J. Latt. Augustan Reprint Society No. 194. 1979. This includes some rare pamphlets (Margaret Fell, Mary Waite and anonymous).
- Hughes, Derek, gen. ed. Eighteenth Century Women Playwrights. 6 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2001. Includes plays by Catherine Trotter (1679-1749), Mary Pix (1666-c. 1720), Delarivier Manley (1663-1724), Eliza Haywood (c. 1693-1736), Susannah Centlivre (c. 1670-1723), Elizabeth Griffith (c. 1720-93), Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821) and Hannah Cowley (1743-1809).
- Kendall, ed., intro. Love and Thunder: Plays by Women in the Age of Queen Anne. London: Methuen, 1988.
- Lyons, Paddy and Fidelis Morgan, edd. Female Playwrights of the Restoration. London: Everyman, 1991.
- Moore, Honor, ed. The New Women's Theatre: Ten Plays by Contemporary American Women. New York: Vintage, 1977.
- Rogers, Katherine, ed. The Meridian Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth Century Plays by Women. New York: Meridian, 1994. This includes Burney's The Witlings.
- Sullivan, Victoria and James Hatch, edd. Plays By and About Women. New York: Vintage,1973. Includes: Alice Gerstenberg's Overtones, Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour, Clare Boothe's The Women, Doris Lessing's Play with a Tiger, Megan Terry's Calm Down Mother, Natalia Ginzburg's The Advertizement, Maureen Duffy's Rites, and Alice Childress's Wine in the Wilderness.
All Genres
- Bourke, Angela, Siobhan Kilfeather, Maria Luddy, Margaret MacCurtain, et aliae. The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing: Rish Women's Writing and Traditions. 2 vols. Country Cork: Cork University Press, 2002.
- DeLamotte, Eugenia, Natania Meeker and Jean F. O'Barr, edd. Women Imagine Change: A Global Anthology of Resistance, 600 B.C.E. to the Present. Routledge, 1997.
- DeShazer, Mary K., ed. The Longman Anthology of Women's Literature. Addison-Wesley, 2001.
- Fetterley, Judith and Marjorie Pryse, edd. American
Women Regionalists 1850-1910. New York: A Norton Anthology, 1992.
- Geller, Jeffrey L. and Maxine Harris, ed. Women of the Asylum: Voices from Behind the Walls, 1845-1945. New York: Anchor Books, 1994. Introduction by Phyllis Chesler.
- Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar, edd. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. New York: Norton, 1985.
- Goulianos, Joan, ed. by a Woman Writ: Literature from Six Centuries by and About Women. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973.
- Hale, Sarah. Woman's Record; or Sketches of all Distinguished Women from the Creation to A. D. 1854; reprinted New York: Harper and Bros, 1955. This combines brief lives, some critical commentary and texts.
- Ferguson, Moira. First Feminists: British Women Writers, 1578-1799. Indiana:
Feminist Press, 1975. This is a strange book: the selections seem to have been chosen on the
basis of their susceptibility to a lesbian or homoerotic reading.
- Hodgson-Wright, Stephanie, ed. Women's Writing of the Early Modern Period, 1588-1688: An Anthology. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.
- Mahl, Mary R. The Female Spectator: English Women Writers before 1800.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977.
- Moses, Claire Goldberg and Leslie Wahl Rabine, edd. Feminism, Socialism and French Romanticism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.
- O' Faolain, Julia and Lauro Martines, edd. Not in God's Image: Women in History from the Greeks to the Victorians. New York: Harper, 1973.
- Rogers, Katherine. Before Their Time: Six Women Writers of the Eighteenth Century. New York: Ungar, 1979.
- Scheffler, Judith, ed. Wall Tappings: An Anthology of Writings by Women Prisoners. 1986.
- Williams, Jane. The Literary Women of England. London: Sanders, Otley and Co, 1861. This combines potted lives with excerpts.
- Wilson, Katharina M. and Frank J. Warnke, ede. Medieval Women Writers, Women Writers of the Renaissance
and Reformation and Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century. Athens:
University of Georgia Press, 1987, 1989.
- Showalter, Elaine. Women's Liberation and Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1971.
- Spender, Dale and Janet Todd, edd. British Women Writers: An Anthology from the Fourteenth Century through the Present. New York: Peter Bedrick, 1989.
- Travitsky, Betty, ed. The Paradise of Women. Conn: Greenport, 1981. This is
a compilation of writings of Englishwomen of the 15th through 16th century; it has the
drawback of trying to include too many so the selections are too slender. But it is a useful tool
and source.
Modern Studies: Individual Women
Early Modern
- Arlsan, A. Chiara Matraini, poetessa lucchese del XVI secolo. Paragone 42
(Letteraturea) (1953), pp. 53-67. The grounds for his claim for Matraini's greatness as a poet are
relevant to Colonna's poetry.
- Bassanese, Flora. Gaspara Stampa. Boston: Twayne, 1983.
- Bausi, Francesco. "Con agra zampogna: Tullia d'Aragona a Firenze" (1545-48),
Schede umanistiche, m.s. 2 (1993), pp. 61-91.
- Bongi, Salvatore. "Il veo giallo di Tullia d'Aragona", Rivista criticia della letterature
italiana, 3, 4 (1886), pp. 86-95.
- Borzelli, A. Laura Terracina, poetessa napoletana del Cinquecento. Naples:
Marzano, 1924.
- Breisach, Ernst. Caterina Sforza: A Renaissance Virago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967.
- Caserta, G. Isabella Morra e la società meridionale del Cinquecento. Matera: META, 1976.
- Cavanagh, Sheila T. Cherished Torment: The Emotional Geography of Lady Mary Wroth's Urania. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2001.
- Chemello, Adriana. "La donna, il modello, l'immaginario: Moderata Fonte e Lucrezia
Marinella", Nel cerchio della luna, ed. M. Zancan. Venice: Marsilio, 1983, pp. 95-
- Collana, Beatrice. "Moderate Fonte e Il merito delle donner, Annali
d'italianistica, 7 (1989), pp. 142-164.
- Cotterell, Robert D. The Grammar of Silence: A Reading of Marguerite de Navarre's
Poetry. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University Press of America, 1968.
- Costa-Zalessow, Natalia. "Among the Treasures of the Frank de Bellis Collection: Isabella
Andreini's Rime and Lettere, San Franciso State University's College of
Humanities Magazine, 13 (Fall 1994), pp. 124-143.
- Cotterell, R. D. "Pernette du Guillet's Rymes: An Adventure in Ideal Love",
Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 31/3 (1969), pp. 553-57.
- Croce, Benedetto, ed. Isabella di Morra e Diego Sandoval de Casto con l'edizione
della "Rime" della Morra. Bari: Laterza, 1929 and Palermo: Sellerio, 1983 (reprint of
1929 edition with additional critical and biographical essays).
- -------------------------. "La casa di una poetessa" [Laura Terracina, a Naples woman poet],
Storie e leggende napoletane Bari: Laterza, 1948, pp. 275-89.
- ------------------------- . Studi sulla letteratura cinquecentesca: Isabella Andreini",
Quaderni della critica, 17-18 (1950), pp. 85-90.
- De Angelis, Francesca Romana. La divina Isabella. Florence: Sansoni, 1991.
- Donaldson, Gordon. The First Trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. Westport, Conn:
Greenwood Press, 1966.
- Flora, Francesco. Gaspara Stampa e altre poetesse del '500. Milan: Nuova
Accademia, 1962.
- Flynn, Gerard. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Boston: Twayne, 1971.
- Fraser, Antonia. Mary, Queen of Scots. New York: Dell, 1969.
- Gelert, Jules. The World of Many Loves: The Heptameron of Marguerite de
Navarre. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966.
- Graves, Robert, "Juana de Asbaje afterwards Juana Inés de la Cruz (with two of her poems",
The Corwning Privilege: Collected Essays on Poetry. 1955: New York: Books for
Libraries, 1970.
- Haldane, Charlotte. Queen of Hearts: Marguerite of Valois ("La Reine Margot").
London: Constable, 1968.
- Hannay, Margaret. Philip's Phoenix: Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
- Harvey, Laurence E. The Aesthetics of the Renaissance Love Sonnet: An Essay on
the Art of the Sonnet in the Poetry of Louise Labé. Geneve: Droz, 1962.
- Hogrefe, Pearl. Tudor Women: Commoners and Queens. Iowa State Press, 1975. Biographical sketches.
- Ilsley, Marjorie. A Daughter of the Renaissance: Marie Le Jars de Gournay: Her Life
and Works. Hague: Mouton, 1963.
- Jondorf, Gillian. "Petrarchan Variations in Pernette du Guillet and Louise Labé",
Modern Language Review, 71 (1976), pp. 766-778.
- Jones, Kathleen. A Glorious Flame: The Life of Margaret Cavendish-Duchess of
Newcastle, 1625-1673. London: Bloomsbury, 1988.
- Jourda, Pierre, Marguerite d'Anouleme, Duchesse d'Alencon, Reine de Navarre:
Étude Biographique et Littéraire (1492-49). Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honore Champion,
- Lamb, M. E. "The Myth of the Countess of Pembroke: The Dramatic Circle",
Yearbook of English Studies, 11 (1981), pp. 194-202.
- Leigh, Marcella Diberti. Veronica Franco: Donna, poetessa e cortigiana del
Rinascimento. Ivrea: Priului & Verluccca, 1988.
- Luzio, Alessandro and Rodolfo Renier. "La Cultura e le Relazioni
Letterarie di Isabella d'Este Gonzaga," Giornale Storico della
letterature Italiana, , 33-6 (1899), 1-61, 193-257, 325-349
- --------------------------. Isabella d'Este ed Elizabetta
Gonzaga nelle Relazione Familiari Nelle Vicende Politiche. 1893;
rpt. Rome: Arnaldo Forni, 1976.
- Macchia, G. "Quattro Poetesse del Cinquecento", Rivista rosminiana, 31 (1937),
no pages available.
- Maclachlan, Elaine "The Poetry of Chiara Matraini: Narrative Strategies in the
Rime", Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Connecticut, 1992.
- MacNeil, Anne. "Music and the Life and Work of Isabella Andreini: Humanistic Attitudes
Towards Music, Poetry and Theatre in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago Press, 1994.
- Maffia, Dante. "Isabella Morra", Studi d'italianistica nell'Africa australe/Italian Studies in
Southern Africa 1990, 3, 4 (1991), pp. 22-31.
- Malagoli, Luigi. La lirica del Cinquecento e Gaspara Stampa. Pisa: Editrice
Goliardica, 1966.
- --------------------. "La nuova sensibilità e il nuova stile: Gaspara Stampa", Le
contraddizione del Rinascimento. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1968, pp. 105-23.
- Malpezzi Price, Paola. "A Woman's Discourse in the Italian Renaissance: Moderata Fonte's
Il merito delle donne, Annali d'italianistica, 7 (1989), pp. 165-81.
- Maraini, Dacia. Veronica, meretrice e scrittora. Milan: Bompiani, 1992.
- Marek, George. The Bed and the Throne: The Life of Isabella d'Este. New
York: Harper and Row, 1976.
- Maroi, Lucia. Laura Terracina, poetessa napoletana del secolo XVI. Naples:
Perrella, 1913.
- Masson, Georgina. "Tullia d'Aragona, the Intellectual Courtesan", Courtesans of the
Italian Renaissance. London: Secker and Warburg, 1975, pp. 91-131.
- Mendellson,
Sara. The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three Studies.
Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1987.
- Milani, Maria. "L'incanto' di Veronica Franco", Giornale storico della letteratura
italiana 162 (1985), pp. 250-263.
- Miller, Naomi and Gary Waller, edd. Reading Mary Wroth: Representing Alternatives in Early Modern England. Knoxville: Univ of Tennessee Press, 1991.
- -------------. Changing the Subject: Mary Wroth and Figurations of Gender in Early Modern England. Louisville: Univ of Kentucky Press, 1996.
- O'Connor, Dorothy. Louise Labé, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 1926; reprint:
Geneve: Droz, 1972.
- Perry, T. A. "Pernette du Guillet's Poetry of Love and Desire", Bibliotheque
d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 35, 1-3 (1975), pp. 259-71.
- Rabitti, Giovanna. "Laura Battiferri Ammannati", Italian Women Writers: A Bio-
Bilbiographical Sourcebook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998, pp. 44-49.
- Rosenthal, Margaret. The Honest Courtesan: Veronica Franco, Citizen and Writer in
Sixteenth Century Venice. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1992.
992), pp. 14-27.
- Saulnier, V.-L. "Marguerite de Navarre, Vittoria Colonna et
quelques autres italiens de 1540,"Mélanges a la Mémoire de
Franco Simone: France et Italie dans la culture européene I: Moyen
Age et Renaissance. Genève: Slatkine, 1980, 281-95.
- Schons, Dorothy. "Some Obscure Points in the LIfe of Juana Inés de la Cruz," Modern
Philology, 24 (1926-27), pp. 141-62.
- Russell, Rinaldina. "The mind's Pursuit of the Divine: A Survey of Secular and Religious
Themes in Vittoria Colonna's Sonnets", Forum Italicum 26 ,1 (1
- Schor, Naomi. George Sand and Idealism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
- Sobel, Dava. Galilie's Daughter. New York: Walker, 1999.
- Smarr, Janet L. "The Uses of Conversation: Moderata Fonte and Edmund Tilney,"
Comparative Literature Studies, 32, 1 (1995), pp. 1-25.
- Sobel, Dava. Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir. New York: Walker and Company, 1999.
- Soderstron, Richards Alan. "The Poetry of Pernette du Guillett and Its Italian Sources and
Inspiration", Ph. D. Diss, Vanderbilt, 1982.
- Swift, Carolyn Ruth, "Feminine Identity in Lady Mary Wroth's Romance Urania,"
English Literary Renaissance, 14 (1984), pp. 328-46.
- Vassalli, Donati Chimenti. "Emancipazine e schiavitù in Gaspara Stampa",
Osservatore Politicio Letterario19, 9 (1972), pp. 70-85.
- Vitello, Justin. "Gaspara Stampa: The Ambiguities of Martyrdom", Modern Language
Notes, 90 (January 1972), pp. 70-85.
- Waller, Gary. "The Sad Pilgrim: The Poetry of Sir Robert Sidney", Dalhousie
Review, 55 (1975-76Z), pp. 689-705.
- ------------------. "Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, Brother/Sister, Cousins: The Sidney Family
Romance", Modern Philology, 88 (1971), pp. 401-414. Waller keeps pointing out
how dull and distorted the normalizers who dominate the field of Wroth's poetry often are; to no
- --------------------------. The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
- Willard, Charity Cannon. Christine de Pizan: Her Life and Works. New York:
Persea, 1984.
- Zorzi, Alvise. Cortigiana veneziana. Veronica Franco ed i suoi poeti. Milan:
Camunia, 1986.
- Zweig, Stephan. Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles, translated Eden and
Cedar Paul. New York: Viking, 1935.
- Badinter, Elisabeth. Émilie, Émilie, l'ambition féminine au dix-huitième siècle.
Paris: Flammarion, 1983.
- Bowstead, Diana, "Convention and Innovation in Charlotte Smith's
Novels," Ph. D. Dissertation, The City University of New York, 1978.
- Call, Michael J. Infertility and the Novels of Sophie Cottin. Canada: Associated
University Press, 2002.
- Castle, Terry, "The Spectralization of the Other in The Mysteries of Udolpho,"
The New Eighteenth Century, eedd. Felicity Nussbaum and Laura Brown. New
York: Methuen, 1987, 231-53.
- Chandermagor, Françoise. The King's Way: Recollections of Françoise de'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon, Wife to the King of France, trans. Barbara Bray. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. Although a novel, the accuracy of the outline is so good, the book may be read as perceptive imaginative biography.
- Clucas, Stephen, ed. A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
- Craveri, Benedetta. Madame Du Deffand and Her World, translated from the Italian by Teresa Waugh. Boston: Godine, 1994.
- Dauban, Charles A. Étude sur Madame Roland et son temps. 1864; reprinted Paris: Plon (Elibron facsimile), 2002
- Doody, Margaret Anne. Francis Burney: The Life in the Works. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1988.
- Duisit, Lionel. Mme Du Deffand épistolière. Genève: Droz, 1963.
- Epstein, Julia. The Iron Pren: Frances Burney and the Politics of Women's Writing. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989.
- Farnham, Fern. Madame Dacier: Scholar and Humanist. Monterey, Cal: Angel Press, 1976.
- Favoro, Adriano. Isaeblla Teotochi Albrizzi. Gaspari Editore, 2003.
- Fletcher, Lorraine. Charlotte Smith, A Critical Biography New York: St Martin's Press, 1998.
- Foreman, Amanda. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. New York: Random House, 1998.
- Frye, Carol. Charlotte Smith. Boston: Twayne, 1996.
- Gilson, David. A Bibliography of Jane Austen. New Castle, Delaware: Oaknoll Press, 1997. Given the enormous secondary material surrounding Austen, this is the most important single book to have.
- Goodman, Dena, ed. Marie-Antoinette: Writings on the Body of the Queen. New York and London: Routledge, 2003.
- Grant, Robert. Margaret the First. Toronto: Univ of Toronto Press, 1957.
- Gutwirth, Madelyn, Avriel Goldberger, and Karyna Szmurlo, edd. Germaine de Stael: Crossing the Borders. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers, 1991.
- Gutwirth, Madelyn. Madame de Staël: The Emergence of the Artist as Woman. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978.
- Harman, Clare. Fanny Burney: A Biography. New York: Knopf, 2001.
- Hinnant, Charles. The Poetry of Anne Finch. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1994.
- Hogsett, Charlotte. The Literary Existence of Germaine de Stael. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987.
- Hughes, Helen Sard. The Gentle Hertford: Her Life and Letters. New York: Macmillan, 2940.
- Hughes, Derek. The Theatre of Aphra Behn. New York: Palgrave, 2001.
- Jaegar, Kathleen M. Male and Female Roles in the Eighteenth-Century: The Challenge to Replacement and Displacement in the Novels of Isabelle de Charrière. New York: Peter Lang, 1994, reviewed in The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, NS 22-24 (1996-98), 551.
- Kahng, Eik and Marianne Roland Michel, eds. Anne Vallayer-Coster: Painter to the
Court of Marie Antoinette. New Haven and London: Yale University Press for the Dallas
Museum of Art, 2002.
- Kelley, Anne. Catherine Trotter: An Early Modern Writer in the Vanguard of Feminism. Hampshire and Burlington, Va: Ashgate, 2002.
- Kennedy, Deborah. Helen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution. Lewiesburg: Bucknell University 2002.
- Kermina, Françoise. Madame Roland, ou La Passion Révolutionnaire. Paris: Librairie Académique, 1976. This is an intelligent popular biography of Roland.
- Kirkham, Victoria. "Creative Partners: The Marriage of Laura Battiferra and Bartolomeo
Ammannat," Renaissance Quarterly, 45 (2) 2000, pp. 498-558.
- Kugler, Ann. The Life and Writing of Lady Sarah
Cowper, 1644-1720. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002.
- Laborde, Alice M. L'oeuvre de Madame de Genlis. Paris: Nizet, 1966.
- Lynch, Deidre, ed. Janeites: Austen's Disciples and Devotees,. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.
- Marshall, Rosalind. The Days of Duchess Anne: Life in the Household of the Duchess of Hamilton, 1656-1716 New York: St. Martin's Press, 1973.
- McMullen, Lorraine. An Odd Attempt in a Woman: The Literary Life of Frances Brooke. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.
- Miles, Robert. Ann Radcliffe: The Great Enchantress. Manchester University
Press, 1995.
- Moody, Ellen. "Orinda, Rosania, Lucasia et aliae: Towards a New Edition of the
Works of Katherine Philips," Philological Quarterly, 66 (1987), 325-354.
- ------------. "I on Myself Can Live": A Literary Biography of Anne Finch. Published here on the Net together with "Apollo's Muse". Alexandria, Va, 2003.
- Mossiker, Frances. Madame de Sévigné: A Life and Letters. New York: Knopf, 1983.
- Niccoli, Gabriel A. "Veronica Franco: A Profile of a cortigiana lettera of the late
Renaissance," Thesis. University of British Columbia, 1973.
- Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udopho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. London: Leicester Press, 1999. This book also contains good criticism and information about the original and later reception of Radcliffe's books.
- Pitts, Vincent J. La Grande Mademoiselle at the Court of France, 1627-1693. Maryland: Johns Hopkins Press, 2003.
- Rogers, Deborah. Ann Radcliffe: A Bio-Bibliography. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1996.
- Roth, Barry. An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies: 1973-1983. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1985. After Gilson, this is the second book to use for Austen.
- Sedgwick, Eva Kosofsky, "Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl," Critical Inquiry, 17 (1991), 818-37.
- Ségur, Marquis de. Julie de Lespinasse, translated into English. London: Chato and Windus, 1907.
- Sheriff, Mary D. The Exceptional Woman: Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun and the Cultural Politics of Art. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
- Sherman, Leona F. Ann Radcliffe and the Gothic Romance: A Psychoanalytical Approach. New York: Arno, 1980.
- Souers, Philip. The Matchless Orinda. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
- Stewart, Maaja A. Domestic Realities and Imperial Fiction: Jane Austen's Novels in Eighteenth-Century Contexts. Athens: The Uuniversity of Georgia Press, 1993.
- Sykes, L. C. Madame Cottin. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1949.
- Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. New York: Mentor, 1975.
- Taylor, Barbara. Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination. Cambridge: Cambridge at the University Press, 2003.
- Tillyard, Stella. Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox, 1740-1832. New York: Noonday, 1995.
- Waldron, Mary. Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
- -------------. Lactilla, Milkwoman of Clifton: The Life and Writings of Ann Yearsley, 1753-1806. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996.
- Weinreb, Ruth Plaut. Eagle in a Gauze Cage: Louise D'Eprinay: Femme de Lettres. New York and London: AMS Press, 1993.
After 1830
- Auerbach, Nina. Daphne Du Maurier: Haunted Heiress. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 200.
- Bodenheimer, Rosemarie. The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans: George Eliot, Her Letters and Fiction. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1994.
- Englund, Sheryl A, "Reading the Author in Little Women: A Biography of a Book," ATQ, 12:3 (1998), 198-218
- Estes, Angela M. and Kathleen Margaret Lant, "Dismemberig the Text: The Horror of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Children's Literature, 17 (1989), 98-123.
- Horner, Avril and Sue Zlosnik, edd. Daphne Du Maurier: Writing, Identity and the Gothic Imagination. London: Macmillan, 1998.
- Johnson, Diane, ed. The True History of the First Mrs. Meredith and Other Lesser Lives. New York: Knopf, 1972. This is a life of Mary Ellen Peacock Nicolls Meredith patched together through what is left of Mrs Meredith's writing placed in context.
- Johnstone, Peggy Fitzhugh. The Transformation of Rage: Mourning and Creativity in George Eliot's Fiction. New York: New York University Press, 1994.
- Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. New York: Knopf, 1997.
- McDowell, Margaret B. Edith Wharton. Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976.
- Rose, Phyllis. Woman of Letters: A Life of Virginia Woolf.
- Schor, Naomi. George Sand and Idealism. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1993.
- Wolff, Cynthia. A Feast of Words: The Triumph of Edith Wharton. New York: Ashley-Wesley, 1995.
Primary Texts
Early Modern
- Ammannati, Laura Battiferri. Il primo libro delle opere toscane. Florence:
Giunti, 1560. Ammannati's poetry ought to be better known; her use of landscape recalls
Veronica Gàmbara, but the elegiac tone is all her own (she wrote sestinas and ottava rima poetry
as well as the better known few sonnets).
- ---------------------------------------. Scelte di curiosità inedite e rare. Gargiolli, 1879.
Sixteen letters to Benedetto Varchi about (among other things) poetry.
- Andreini, Isabella. Rime d'Isabella Andreini Padovana, comica gelosa. Milan:
G. Bordone & P. Locarni Compargni, 1601.
- -------------------------. Lettere d'Isabella Andreinni Padovana, comica gelosa.
Venice: M. A. Zaltieri, 1607.
- -------------------------. Mirtilla, pastorale d'Isabella Andreini, comica gelosa.
Veronca: Sebastiano Dalle Donne e Camilli Franceschini, 1588.
- Arlsan, A., A. Chemello and G. Pizzamiglio, ed. La stanze ritrovate. Venice:
Imberti, 1660.
- Bongi, Salvatore. "Rime della Signora Tullia d'Aragona" Annali di Gabriel Giolito de
Ferrari 1, Rome: Presso i principali librai, 1890, pp. 150-199.
- Bronzini, Domenico. Isabella di Morra con l'edizione del canzonière. Matera:
Montemurro, 1977.
- Celani, E. Le Rime di Tullia d'Aragona. Bologna: Romagnoli, 1891. Reprint:
Bologna: Forni, 1968.
- -----------------------. Tredici canti del Floridoro di Mad. Moderata Fonte.. Venice:
Rampazzetto, 1581.
- Franco, Veronica. Poems and Selected Letters, edd. and translated by Ann
Rosalind Jones and Margaret F. Rosenthal. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1998.
- -------------------------. Lettere familiari a diversi della S. Veronica Franco, ed. B.
Croce. Bari: Laterza, 1949.
- -------------------------. La tenzone con Veronica Franco in Il libro chiuso di
Maggio Venier, ed. Manlio Dazzi. Venice: Neri Pozza, 1956.
- Garrard, Mary D. Artemisia Gentileschi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991.
- Gournay, Marie le Jars de. Fragments d'un discours féminin.. Paris: Corti, 1988.
- Guillet, Pernette du. Rhymes, ed. Victor E. Graham. Geneva: Droz, 1968,
together with Ruth Mulhauser's Maurice Scève. Boston: Twayne, 1977 (he was a
central influenc eon Guillet).
- Herbert, Lady Mary Sidney. The Psalms of Sir Philip
Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke, ed. introd. J. C. A.
Rathmell. New York: New York University Press, 1963.
- --------------------------------------. The Triumph of Death and Other Unpublished and
Uncollected Poems, ed. G. F. Waller. Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies,
Vol 65, Sazubrg Studies in English, 22 (1977).
- ------------------------, and Albert Rabil, Jr. Her Immaculate Hand: Selected Workd by
and About the Women Humanists of Quattrocento Italy. Birmingham, NY: Medieval and
Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1983.
- Labé, Louise. Oeuvres Complètes, ed. Enzo Giudici. Geneva: Droz, 1981.
- -----------------------. The Lais of Marie de France, ed, trans. Joan Ferrante,
Robert Hanning, preface John Fowler. New York: Dutton, 1978,
- -----------------------. The Lays of Marie de France, trans., introd. Eugene Mason. London: Dent Everyman, 1911.
- Rime delle signore Lucrezia Marinella, Veronica Gàmbara ed Isabella Morra. Naples: Bulifon, 1693.
- Matraini, Chiara. Rime e lettere, ed. Giovanna Rabitti. Bologna: Commissione
per i testi di lingua, 1989.
- -----------------------. Meditazioni spirituali di Madonna Chiara Contarini de'
Matraini. Lucca: Busdrago, 1581.
- -------------------. ""Six Elegiac Poems, Possibly by Anne Cecil de Vere, Countess of
Oxford [with texts]," English Literary Renaissance, 19 (1989), pp. 152-70.
- Marie de France. Les Lais de Marie de France, ed. Jean Rychner. Paris:
Champion, 1971.
- Navarre, Marguerite de. Les Prisons, ed. Simone
Glasson. Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1978.
- ----------------------. Les Prisons, translated
into English by Hilda Dale. Reading: Whiteknights Press, 1989.
- ----------------------. Chansons Spirituelles,
ed. Georges Dottin. Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1971.
- ----------------------. Theatre Profane, ed.
V. L. Saulnier. Nouvelle edition. Geneve: Librairie Droz,
- ----------------------. The Heptameron, translated
into English and introduced by P. A. Chilton. London: Penguin,
- ----------------------. Les Comédies bibliques, eds. Barbara Marczuk, Beata
Skrzeszewska and Piotry Tylus. Genevea: Librairie Droz, 2000.
- Paulissen, May Nelson. The Love Sonnets of Lady Mary Wroth. Salzburg Studies in
English Literature, 4 (1982).
- Pizan, Christine de. The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. New York: Cooper
Square Publishers, 1966.
----------------------------. The Book of the City of Ladies, ed, trans. Earl Jeffrey
Richards, preface by Marina Warner. New York: Quality Books, 1982.
- ----------------------------. The Treasure of the City of Ladies or the Book of the Three
Virtues, ed., trans. Sarah Lawrence. New York: Penguin, 1985.
- ----------------------------. The Book of the Body Politic, ed. Kate Langoon Ferhan.
Cambridge: Cambridge Text i the History of Political Thought, 1994.
- Salza, A. Rime di Gaspara Stampa e di Veronica Franco. Bari: Laterza, 1913.
- Stampa, Gaspara. Rime>, ed. Rodolfo Ceriello, newly revised and introduced
by Marai Bellonci. Milan: Rizzoli, 1976.
- ---------------. Gaspara Stampa: Selected Poems, trans. L. A. Stortoni and M. P.
Lille. New York: Italica Press, 1994.
- Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots. Bittersweet & Within My Heart: The Collected Poems
of Mary, Queen of Scots, trans., ed. Robin Bell. London: Pavilion, 1995.
- Terracina, Laura Bacio. Rime. Venice: Giolito, 1548; Discorso sopra tutti i
primi canti di Orlando Furioso. Venice: Giliotio, 1549; Sovre tutte le donne vedove
di quest città di Napoli. Naples: Cancer, 1561.
- Tudor, Elizabeth. The Poems of Elizabeth the First, ed. Leiceseter Broadmer.
Providence: Brown University Press, 1964.
- Waller, Gary. Lady Mary Wroth: Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, ed. G. F. Waller.
1977. An Salzburg Studies in Literature book.
- Wroth, Lady Mary Sidney. The Poems of Lady Mary Wroth,
ed. Josephine Roberts. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana University
Press, 1983, together with her father's poetry, The Poems of Robert Sidney, P. J.
Croft. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984, and that of her lover-cousin, William Herbert Pembroke,
- -------------------------------------. The Countess of of Montgomery's Urania, First
and Second Parts, ed. Josephine Roberts and completed by Suzanne Gossett and Janel
Mueller. Tempe: Arizona: Renaissance English Text Society, 1999.
- Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Catherine, or the Bower, and Letters. For the novels the best editions are the paperback Penguin and Oxford series; some have excellent introductions and notes (not all); there are also individual volumes of value: e.g., those with Patricia Meyer Spacks or Margaret Drabble providing the introduction. The Nortons are tendentious, and Chapman's edition while valuable for some of the appendices is outdated. As to the Letters, Deirdre Le Faye's hard-to-use edition remains the basis of any biography, but note also the recent excellent edition by Kathryn Hughes, ed. J. E. Austen-Leigh, A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. I include a bibliography of studies of film adaptations of Austen's films at the close of my review of Linda Troost's Jane Austen Goes to the Movies. (Scroll down past the review.)
- Brooke, Francis. The History of Emily Montague. Ontario: McClelland and Stewart, 1995.
- Campan, Madame [Jeanne]. Memoires de Madame Campan, première femme de chambre de Marie Antoinette, introd. Jean Chalon, notes Carlos de Angulo. Paris: Ramsay, 1979.
- Cavendish, Margaret. New Blazing World and Other Writings, ed.Kate Lilley.
New York: New York University Press, 1991.
- Charrière, Isabelle de and Constant d'Hermenches. There are no Letters like Yours. The Correspondence of Isabelle de Charrière and Constant d'Hermenches, trans, introd, annotated by Janet Whaqtley and Malcolm Whatley. Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 2000.
- ------------------------- and Benjamin Constant. Correspondance, 1787-1805, ed. Jean-Daniel Candaux. Paris: Desjoinquères, 1996.
- Constant, Rosalie. Lettres de Rosalie de Constant à son frère Charles le Chinois, 1798. Lausanne: Chez F. Rouge & Cie, 1948.
- ----------------- et Benjamin. Correspondence, 1786-1830. Paris, 1755.
- Cottin, Sophie ( née Marie Risteau). Amélie Mansfield. London: Colburn, 1809.
- ---------------. Claire d'Albe, ed. Margaret Cohen. New York: Modern Language Association, 2002.
- ---------------. Elizabeth, or the Exiles of Siberia, together with Paul et Virginia, trans. Helen Maria Williams. London: 1822. These two novels were often printed together. Elizabeth sold well in the US, and there are many editions, e.g., an undated one in Cambridge Classics which was sold by Hurst & Co in New York (a list which includes "classics" like The Vicar of Wakefield, Scott, Heine and Ruskin).
- Du Deffand, Marquise [Marie]. Lettres de Mme du Deffand à Horace Walpole, ed. Mrs Paget Toynbee. 2 Volumes. London: Methuen, 1912.
- ---------------------------. Correspondence Complèe de la Marquise du Deffand, ed, M. de Lescure. Paris: Plon, 1865.
- Elliot, Grace. Journal de ma vie durant la Révolution française., introd. Eric Rohmer. Paris: Chaleil, 2001.
- Fonte, Moderata. Il merito delle donne., ed. A. Chemello. Venice: Eidos,
- D'Épinay, Madame de [Louise]. Histoire de Madame de Montbrillant, ed. Georges Roth, 3 Vols. Paris: Gallimard, 1951.
- D'Épinay, Louise and Ferdinando Galiani. Correspondance, edd. Georges Dulac and Daniel Maggetti. Paris: Desjonquères. 1992.
- Écherolles, Alexandrine. Memoirs of Mlle. des Écherolles, Being Sidelights on the Reign of Terror, trans. Marie Clothilde Balfour, introd. George Fortesque. New York and London: Lane, 1904.
- Genlis, Madame [Stéphanie-Félicité] de. Mémoires, 2 vols. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1928.
- ---------------------------------------. Mademoiselle de Clermont, ed. Beatrice Didier. Paris: Regine Deforges, 1977.
- ---------------------------------------. La Duchesse de La Vallière, ed., introd. Gabriel Balin. Paris: Librairie Fontaine, 1983.
- Graffigny, Françoise de. Choix de lettres, ed. English Showalter. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2001.
- --------------------------. Letters from a Peruvian Woman, trans. David Hornacker, introd. Nancy Miller and Joan De Jean. New York: Modern Language Association, 1993.
- Lamballe, Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan. Secret Memoirs of Princess Lamballe, ed., notes, Catherine Hyde, introd. Olier Leigh. Akron, Ohio: St Dunstan Society, 1901.
- La Roche, Sophie von. The History of Lady Sophia Sternheim, trans. Joseph Collyer, ed. James Lynn. London: Pickering and Chatto, 1991.
- La Tour du Pin, Madame Henriette-Lucy Dillon. Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin, ed., trans. Felice Harcourt, introd. Peter Gay. New York: McCall, 1971. This is an abridgement of a 1913 translation).
- Lambert, Anne Thérèse, Mme de. New Reflections on Women by the Marchioness de Lambert. (Writings About Women, Feminist Literary Studies 7), trans. Ellen McNiven Hume. New York: Peter Lang, 1995.
- Lespinasse, Julie de. Lettres de Madademoiselle de Lespinasse, 2 vols. Elibron 2002 facsimile: Paris: Amyot, 1847.
- --------------------. Letters of Mlle. de Lespineasse, with Notes on her Life and Character by D'Alembert, Marmontel, and De Guibert; introd. C. A. Beuve, the whole translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Boston: Hardy, Pratt, 1903.
- Liselotte, Elisabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine and Duchess of Orleans ("Madame"). Letters from Liselotte, trans Maria Kroll. New York: McCall Publishing, 1971.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. A Woman's Life in the Court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652-1722, trans, introd., Elborg Forster. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1984.
- Isabelle de Montolieu. Caroline de Lichtfield. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1815.
- -----------------------. Les Châteaux Suisses, Anciennes Anecdotes et Chroniques. 1824; reprinted Lausanne, Samuel Blanc, 1865
- Murray, Anne, Lady Halkett. An Autobiography, ed. John Gough Nichols.
Westminster: Camden Society. London: 1875. This has been reprinted with the diary of Anne
Lady Fanshawe and edited by John Lofts as The Memoirs of Anne, Layd Halketts and
Anne, Lady Fanshawe. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. The 19th century edition
contains some
interesting material not found in the modern one.
- d'Orleans, Anne-Marie-Louise. Against Marriage: The Correspoindence of La Grande Mademoiselle Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
- Philips, Katherine. The Collected Poems of Katharine Philips, ed. Patrick Thomas. London: Stump
Cross, 1990.
- Radcliffe, Ann. The Romance of the Forest, ed., introd. Chloe Chard. New York: Oxford, 1986.
- --------------. The Mysteries of Udolpho, introd., notes Terry Castle, ed. bonamy Dobree. New York: Oxford, 1998.
- --------------. A Journey Made in the Summer of 1794, Through Holland and the Wesetrn Frontier of Germany, with a Return Down the Rhine. Elibron Classics Facsimile: London: Robinson, 1795.
- Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne. Lettres de Mistriss Fanni Butlerd, ed. Joan Hinde Stewart. Geneva: Droz, 1979.
- Robinson, Mary. Perdita: The Memoirs of Mary Robinson (1758-1800), Poet, Novelist, Feminist, First Mistress of George IV, ed. M. J. Levy. London: Peter Owen, 1994.
- Roland, Marie-Jeanne [Manon] Phlipon. Mémoires de Madame Roland, ed. C. A. Dauban. 1864; facsimile reprint of original edition of several memoirs: Elibron classics. www.elibron.com.
- Smith, Charlotte. Ethelinde, or the Recluse of the Lake. 5 volumes. Elibron Facsimile Reprint of London, 1790.
- ----------------. Desmond, edd. Antje Blank and Janet Todd. New York: Broadview Press, , 2001.
- -----------------. The Old Manor House, ed. Jacqueline Labbe. New York: Broadview Press, 2002.
- -----------------. The Young Philosopher, ed. Elizabeth Kraft. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1999.
- -----------------. Letters of a Solitary Wanderer. New York: Woodstock, 1995. Unfortunately only three of the tales are printed in this facsimile edition.
- Staal, Madame de. Mémoires. 2003; reprinted Elibron from Amsterdam 1756 edition.
- Staël, Germaine de. Delphine, ed. Simone Balayé and Lucia Omacini. Geneva: Droz, 1997. The only modern good translations seems to be Delphine, trans., ed. Avriel H. Goldberger DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995).
- ---------------------. Corinne, ou l'Italie, ed. Simone Balayé. Paris: Folio Classique, 1985. The best translation appears to be that of Sylvia Raphael for Oxford University Press.
- ---------------------. Ten Years of Exile, trans. Doris Beik, introd. Peter Gay. New York: Saturday Review, 1972.
- ---------------------. The Major Writings of Germaine de Staël, ed., trans. Vivian Folkenflik. New York: Columbia, 1987.
- Turra, Elisabetta Caminer. Sleected Writings of an Eighteenth Century Venetian Woman of Letters, ed., trans. Catherine M. Sanna. Chicago and London: Chicago UP, 2003.
- Vigée-Le Brun, Elisabeth. Memoirs of Madame Vigée-Le Brun, trans. Lionel Strachey, introd. John Russell. 1903; reprinted New York: George Braziller, 1989.
- Williams, Helen Maria. Letters Written in France, edd. Neil Fraistat and Susan Lanser. Ontario: Broadview Press, 2001.
- Wollstonecraft, Mary. The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, edd. Janet Todd, Marilyn Butler, and Emma Rees-Mogg. 7 Vols. London: Chatto and Pickering and New York: New York University Press, 1989. Invaluable because complete.
- --------------------. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, ed. Carol Poston. Second Edition. New York: Norton, 1985.
- --------------------. Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, ed., introd. Carol Poston. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1976.
- -------------------- and William Godwin. A Short Residence in Sweden and Memoirs of the Author of 'The Rights of Woman', ed. Richard Holmes. New York: Penguin, 1987. This edition is particularly valuable for Holmes's introduction and discussion of the rarely discussed business transations Wollstonecraft succeeded in during her stay in Sweden.
- --------------------. A Most Extraordinary Pair: Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, ed. and connectives by Jean Detre. New York: Doubleday, 1975. This is an edition of Godwin and Wollstonecraft's letters.
- --------------------. Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecrafted. Philip Wardle. Ithaca: Cornell, 1979.
- -------------------- and Mary Shelley. Mary and Maria, Matilda, ed. Janet Todd. New York: Penguin, 1780.
After 1830
- Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women, ed. Elaine Showalter. New York: Penguin, 1998.
- ------------------. "My Contraband" (also titled "The Brothers"), The Atlantic Monthly (1863) in The Norton Introduction to Literature, edd. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays and Jerome Beaty. The Eighth (unabridged) Edition. 2001.
- ------------------. Hospital Sketches New York: Hurst and Company, 1863.
- Arnim, Elizabeth von. The Enchanted April, afterword by Terence de Vere White. 1922; New York: Pocketbook, 1986.
- Barreno, Maria Isabel, Maria Teresa Horta, and Maria Velho da Costa. New Portuguese Letters, trans. Helen Lane, Faith Gillespie, Suzette Macedo. New York: Readers International, 1994.
- Atwood, Margaret. Alias Grace. New York: Anchor, 1997.
- Bowen, Elizabeth. To the North. New York: Avon, 1932.
- ----------------. The Death of the Heart. New York: Avon, 1936.
- ----------------. The Heat of the Day. New York: Penguin, 1948.
- ----------------. A Time In Rome. London: Longmans, 1960.
- ----------------. Collected Impressions. New York: Knopf, 1950.
- ----------------. Pictures and Conversations. New York: Knopf, 1975.
- Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre, ed. Richard J. Dunn. Second Edition. New York: Norton, 1971.
- -----------------. Villette. New York: Everyman, 1972.
- Byatt. A. S. Still Life. New York: Collier, 1985.
- -----------. .Possession. New York: Vintage, 1990.
- Chesnut, Mary. Mary Chesnut's Civil War. ed. C. Vann Woodward. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.
- -------------. The Private Mary Chesnut: The Unpublished Civil War Diaries, ed. C. Vann Woodward and Elisabeth Muhlenfeld. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
- -----------. Still Life. New York: Vintage, 1991.
- Clark, Eleanor. Rome and a Villa. 1952; reprinted: New York: Random House, 1974.
- Colegate, Isabel. The Shooting Party. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1985.
- ----------------. The Summer of the Royal Visit. London: Hamish Hamilton,
1991. New York: Penguin, 1980.
- -----------------------. Winter Journey. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1995.
- -----------------------. A Pelican in the Wilderness: Hemits, Solitaries, and
Recluses. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1999.
- Drabble, Margaret. The Peppered Moth. New York: Harvest, 2001.
- -----------------. Seven Sisters. New York: Harvest, 2002.
- DuMaurier, Daphne. Rebecca. New York: Avon, 1938.
- -----------------. The King's General. New York: Avon, 1946.
- -----------------. The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte. New York: Doubleday, 1961.
- -----------------. Gerald: A Portrait. New York: Doubleday, 1935.
- Eliot, George (Marion Evans Lewes). George Eliot: Selected Critical Writings, ed. Rosemary Ashton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. See especially "Woman in France: Madame de Sablé (1854).
- --------------. Selections from George Eliot's Letters, ed. Gordon S. Haight. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.
- --------------. The Journals of George Eliot, edd. Margaret Harris and Judith Johnston. Cambridge: At the University Press, 2000.
- ---------------. Essays by George Eliot, ed. Thomas Pinney (New York: Columbia University Press, 1963.
- Figes, Eva. The Seven Ages. New York: Pantheon, 1986.
- Hardwick, Elizabeth. Sleepless Nights. New York: Random House, 1977.
- Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer Heat and Dust. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975.
- Kemble, Fanny. Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839, ed., introd. John A. Scott. New York: Meridian, 1961.
- -------------. Records of a Girlhood; Records of Later Life, Further Records, A Year of Consolation and Notes upon some of Shakespeare's Plays. All of these form an autobiography of Kemble, and are of particular interest when she describes her career as an actress. They were published in New York and London in various sets between 1878-1891.
- Kennedy, Margaret. The Constant Nymph. New York: Doubleday, 1925.
- Luytens, Mary, ed. Young Mrs Ruskin in Venice: Her Picture of Soicety and life with John Ruskin, 1849-1852. New York: Vanguard Press, 1925.
- -----------------. Millais and the Ruskins. New York: Vanguard Press, 1927. Like the above book, this is heavily made up of Effie Grey Ruskin Millais's letters.
- Miller, Tirzah. Desire and Duty at Oneida: Tirzah Miller's Intimate Memoir, ed. Robert S. Fogarty. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000.
- Pollock, Griselda. Mary Cassatt : painter of modern women. London: Thames & Hudson, 1998.
- Roberts, Michele. Food, Sex, and God: On Inspiration and Writing and In the Red Kitchen. London, 1990s.
- ----------------. Fair Exchange. New York: Picador, 2002.
- ----------------. Daughters of the House. New York: Picador, 2001.
- ----------------. The Looking Glass. New York: Picador, 2001.
- Sackville-West, V. Knole and the Sackvilles. London: Lindsay Drummond, 1948.
- Sand, George [Aurore Dudevant]. Indiana, ed. René Bourgeois Paris: Editions de l'Aurore, Glénat, 1996.
- -----------------------------. Valentine, ed. Aline Alquier Paris: Editions de l'Aurore, Glénat, 1995.
- ------------------------------. Lélia, ed. P. Reboul. Paris: Garnier, 1960. Standard Edition. With description and relevant (changed) extracts from the 1839 Lélia.
- ------------------------------. Lettres d'un Voyageur, introd. Henri Bonnet. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1971.
- ------------------------------. Horace, edd Nicole Courrier, Thierry Bodin, Marquette. Paris: Editions de l'Aurore, Glénat, 1982.
- ------------------------------. Un Hiver à Majorca, , preface and notes by Jean Mallion and Pierre Salmon. Paris: Editions de l'Aurore, Glenat 2nd, 1993. With extracts from journals, letters, contemporary reviews.
- ------------------------------. Consuelo/La Comtesse de Rudolstadt. Two editions. 1959 Garnier by L. Cellier and L. Guichard. The standard, with introduction, illustrations, notes. 1983 Editions de l'Aurore, Glénat, ed Simone Vierne and René Bourgeois, with introduction, notes, appendices, illustrations.
- ------------------------------. François le Champi -- in La Mare au Diable/François le Champi ed Pierre Salomon and Jean Maillon. Paris: Garnier, 1962. Standard edition with introduction, notes, illustrations.
- ------------------------------. Questions d'art et de littérature, ed. Henriete Bessis et Janis Glasgow. Paris: Des Femmes, 1992. Essays which begin in 1832 and end 1870 but are mostly from the 1840s and range from commentaries on her work to that of others, from politics to culture.
- ------------------------------. The Marquise/Pauline, trans Sylvie Charron and Sue Huseman, introd and notes Sylvie Charron. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers: 1999.
- ------------------------------. Romans 1830, Ed. Marie-Madelieine Fragonard. Paris: Presses de la Cité, Omnibus, 1991. Includes the whole of Le secrétaire intime, Leone Leoni, Jacques (epistolary), and Mauprat.
- Thomas, Chantal. Les Adieux à la Reine. (A Novel.) Paris: Seuil, 2002.
- Walker, Kara. Kara Walker: Narratives of a Negress, ed. Ian Bery, Darby English, Vivian Patterson and Mark Reinhardt. MIT Press, 2003. An important book about and by an African-American woman artist.
- Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. New York: Signet, 1964.
- --------------. Summer. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.
- --------------. French Ways and Their Meaning. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.
- --------------. A Backward Glance New York: Touchstone, 1998.
- --------------. A Son at the Front, introd. Shari Benstock. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1995. An anti-war World War One memoir.
- --------------. Italian Backgrounds. New York: Ecco, 1989. A travel memoir.
- --------------. The Writing of Fiction. New York: Touchstone, 1997.
- Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans. A Southern Woman of Letters: The
Correspondence of Augusta Jane Evans Wilson, ed Rebecca Grant
Sexton. (Women's Diaries and Letters of the South Series). Columbia:
University of South Carolina Press, 2002.
- Woolf, Virginia. The Voyage Out. New York: Harvest, 1948.
- ---------------. The Years. New York: Harvest, 1965.
- ---------------. The Common Reader; The Second Common Reader. New York: Harvest, 1960.
- ---------------. Granite and Rainbow, Moments of Being, Books and Portraits. New York: Harvest, 1958, 1976, 1977.
- ---------------. Orlando. New York: Harvest, 1956.
1 The above bibliography began life as a selection of primary documents and secondary studies which I had been compiling while reading and writing about the writings of women writers since I first began my projects on Vittoria Colonna and Anne Finch. I was particularly interested in 1) works which delve the subjective experiences of women privately; 2) in women's texts as aesthetic literary objects from a psycholoanalytical standpoint; 3) and therefore as part of women's or woman-centered literary traditions and tropes in women's writing; 4) in works which frankly explore the sexuality of women's texts; and 5) in women who were themselves outsiders or subversive of the establishment in which they found themselves living. The emphasis was originally on English, French and Italian Early Modern women.
Additions, corrections, and suggestions are welcome. Please email me
at emoody@osf1.gmu.edu
Contact Ellen Moody.
Pagemaster: Jim Moody.
Page Last Updated: 2 January 2006.