A Dying Woman
Depressing Farscape story.
Clue:A Mystery
Clue books filk, to the tune of "Building a Mystery" by Sarah MacLaughlin.
The Preacher's Story
Li'l Abner musical-based fanfic, focusing on Marryin' Sam.
Also Shattered
Digimon, an angsty Takari.
Angels in Agony
Charlie's Angels slash-Alex sees what's going on between Dylan and Natalie, even when they don't.
Spider-Man drabble, after the end of the second movie.
Lucifer's Girl
Femmeslash for Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters: the confessions of a beautiful but troubled step-sister.
Ruthlessness, Yet Honour
Pirates of the Caribbean post "Dead Man's Chest," with Elizabeth and Tia Dalma.
The Star's Daughter and the King
Chronicles of Narnia, written for 1Sentence: 50 sentences for Caspian and the star's daughter's marriage.
Elfquest. The Recognition and lifemating of Newstar.
Narrative Interludes
About Her
The Shadows Hanging Over
Ardor(Mild Adult Content)
A Short, Hard Debate (Adult Content)
And We Can Love Forever
Amid it All (Adult Content)
Fearunian Relationship Behavior
The Right Moment (Adult Content)
Those of Shadows
Baldur's Gate 3. Scenes written to accompany my first playthrough.
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